Category: toms

Back to School With TOMS Shoes
The kids are getting back to school now, and it’s time for back-to-school shoe shopping. At my kids’ school, the rule is that all toes and heels have to be covered, and that no characters are allowed. Because we live in Florida, we wear sandals year-round. Your kids have probably gotten accustomed to wearing flip-flops […]

Try all new styles with the TOMS Shoes Fall 2012 Collection
TOMS introduces the Fall Collection signaling the onset of a new season of style with its Toms Shoes 2012 Fall Collection. TOMS decides to spread the joy across all members of the family with its new range covering the man, woman, youth and kids with fresh and unique designs in each of the sections. This […]

How TOMS Shoes Helps The World
Do you want to make a difference in the life of a child? Did you know that you can do so right from the comfort of your home, while buying a high-quality product that you’d buy anyway, and by encouraging your friends to do the same?
You’ve probably already heard of TOMS One for One campaign, […]

Celebrating Father’s Day With TOMS
What do you get the dad who has everything? Your husband and your father probably have enough ties to last quite a while, and they most likely don’t need or want any more golf shirts or screwdriver sets. Dads don’t often splurge on quality shoes for themselves; my own husband has a pair of dress […]

New Summer Styles of Shoes and Eyewear
Summer is here and TOMS has come out with an exclusive range of footwear and eyewear. They bring with it the excitement and fun of the warm, holiday season. With the sun beating down on us in full glory, TOMS exclusives are just what your feet and eyes require. New Styles from TOMS!
TOMS, a company […]

TOMS for Moms now available!
Your mom loves helping others; it’s probably one of the things you love best about her! When you become a mom, you suddenly want to make the world a better place for everyone. What better way to celebrate Mothers’ Day than to not only give your mom a great gift, but to gift someone else […]

Earth Friendly Shoes TOMS
What did Earth Day April 22, 2012 mean to you? Do you and your family observe this celebration of the fragility and importance of our earth? Earth Day is a day for making ourselves and our families more aware of the issues surrounding pollution, climate change, endangered plants and animals and other issues that will […]

Perfect Shoes for Florida Winters
My family lives in southwest Florida, where the three seasons are warm (also known as snowbird season), hot, and sweltering-and-rainy. The climate may be warmer than where you live, and chances are, unless you live on a tropical island, it’s also much more casual. I don’t think my kids wore shoes until they were at […]

TOMS Ticket To Give: A New Way To Bring Change In The World
TOMS is yet on another journey to give happiness and joy this year. Ever since this shoe company started, they reached out to people all over the world with their one of kind Argentinean-inspired shoes. They’ve also created more than a reliable shoe company, they created a wonderful way for people to contribute to every […]

TOMS Shoes Ballet Flats Spring Collection
TOMS Ballet Flats join the TOMS family!
TOMS debuted the new TOMS Ballet Flats collection February 1! The fashion world is in a frenzy with the news of the TOMS Ballet Flats Collection kicked off. You can now buy your own pair of Toms with Ballet Flats from the TOMS website. The Ballet Flats are part […]