Tag: recipes

Favorite Pumpkin Pie Recipes

Favorite Pumpkin Pie Recipes

| November 14, 2018 | 0 Comments

Thanksgiving preparations are well under way.  If you are hosting your family’s feast you have probably spent time researching any needed recipes last week.  But, to my horror, I heard a radio talk show today saying everyone should attempt a new recipe this year.  Now, I am not the most organized hostess in the world […]

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Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes Recipe

| October 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

We have been trying to make these pumpkin spice cupcakes for a couple of weeks and this weekend we finally got around to it! They were very easy to make because we used a box cake mix but they took a whole lot longer to cook in the oven than I expected. I must admit […]

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Camping with my Crock Pot and Recipes

Camping with my Crock Pot and Recipes

| October 30, 2013 | 0 Comments

I survived!  This past weekend, this single mom took three kids camping with my son’s Boy Scout Den.  Granted, I wasn’t completely alone in the wilderness with them, and I had help setting up the tent.  It was definitely a mild version of true camping, but that was exactly what I was looking for.  I […]

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Cool Weather Recipes

Cool Weather Recipes

| October 18, 2013 | 22 Comments

Now that we are firmly in fall and the temperature outside has started to noticeably cool, it’s time to start thinking about the changing the dinners we make to fit the changing season. Sure, there’s never a bad time for some dishes (pizza comes to mind) but other dishes are just so much better when […]

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Mexican Layer Dip Halloween Style

Mexican Layer Dip Halloween Style

| October 11, 2013 | 5 Comments

Mexican 7 Layer dips are a great appetizer for groups of people.  They are easy to make, and you can prepare earlier in the day and refrigerate until you are ready to use it. This dip is perfect because there is plenty of salad for those that want to avoid the more fattening ingredients.  Take a […]

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Crock Pot Recipes

Crock Pot Recipes

| August 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

Looking for ideas on what to make for dinner? Our resident chef has some suggestions for Crock Pot “Dinner-in-a-Pinch” Ideas!
Most days in my house are filled with school, work, homework, sports, dance class, baths, reading and usually at least one unexpected surprise.  I know, just like your house!  The crock pot being filled in the […]

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Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

| November 15, 2012 | 9 Comments

On Thanksgiving morning, it’s traditional in my home for the kids to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television while my husband and I scramble around getting everything ready. This year, though, I think I might involve my pre-teens and teenager in the preparations. Even little kids like to help out in the kitchen, […]

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November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

| November 7, 2012 | 18 Comments

Did you know that the month of November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month? Americans love their peanut butter, and it is estimated that as a country, we’ll consume over 65 million pounds of it during the month of November alone. The first patent for peanut butter, which went to Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, was applied […]

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Healthy Family Snacks for Game time

Healthy Family Snacks for Game time

| February 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sunday is family night for us. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and close friends all come together for football. Of course, on the night of the biggest game of the year the food and the parting is even bigger! In the last couple of weeks we have been adjusting our diet choices quite a bit and are […]

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Meatless Monday Crock Pot Recipe: Zucchini Ziti

Meatless Monday Crock Pot Recipe: Zucchini Ziti

| October 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Back on the menu planning bandwagon… this week is presented with a request for attention to healthier recipes. Now, I will be honest, I gave this entirely too much thought. DO NOT fall into that trap. I don’t know about you when the time I give something too much thought is exactly the time it […]

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