What’s on Sale and Things to Buy in June
Wow, June already; we’re almost halfway through the year! June brings Father’s Day, camp outs, the official start of summer, and some great sales on items that you want and need. Just like last month, June is a good time to buy mattresses; stores deeply discount last year’s stock. We were able to buy new mattresses for the kids at half-price just a few days ago. Aside from May’s leftover mattresses, here are some other great things to buy on sale in June:
Tools. It might be cliche, but stores know that moms and kids will be buying tools for dads this month. June is also a good time to start home improvement projects, now that the cold and rainy weather has passed for much of the country, so stock up now on screwdrivers, hammers, nails, drills and all the rest.
- Workout equipment, including gym memberships. Just when the weather is nice and bathing suit season is here in full force, exercise equipment goes on sale? It actually makes sense: After the flurry of people joining gyms and snapping up treadmills in time for New Year’s resolutions, then a smaller flurry doing the same in March or so, in preparation for getting buff for summer, people have largely given up on both their resolutions and their hopes for a smaller bathing suit size. Gym owners and stores selling workout gear are trying to lure you back!
- Sunscreen, Aloe and Insect Repellent. These are products that you need right now, and you should really replace them each year anyway. Toss the old stuff and take advantage of deals on fresh protection from harmful rays and disease-carrying bugs.
- Clothing: Look for Nordstrom and Victoria Secret to run their semi-annual sale. You can get some great deals!
- Deals for Father’s Day gifts: Home Depot, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and a few others run sales this time of year!
Serving and dishware. Like last month, we can all benefit from wedding season when it comes to buying things for the home. If you’re in the market for new dishes, this is the time to buy. While you’re at it, check out the registries for any weddings coming up, even if they’re not taking place in June; you can snap up gifts for less by planning ahead, in this case.
- Shoes for summer. Where I live, we walk around in flip-flops just about all year long, but some northern neighbors might be just starting to break out the summer footwear now. If that’s the case, or if you’re looking to replace the sandals you’ve been wearing for some time now, take a look at the inventory in June. Prices should be fairly low, and the selection will dry up quickly as the summer heats up. Remember that you can also use TOMS coupons if you want to save money on a pair of shoes (and give a pair to someone in need for free) at any time of the year!
- As always, buying fruits and veggies in season is not only good for your body, but good for your wallet as well.

Here are a few of the best deals on produce; this may vary by a few weeks or even a month, depending on where you live, of course:
– Cucumbers
– Grapes
– Blueberries
– Watermelon
– Peaches
– Tomatoes
– Corn
– Cherries
– Artichokes
– Asparagus
Happy June shopping!