Category: Shopping

Top 20 Toys for 2012
Walmart has recently released its list of the top 20 toys of the 2012 holiday season! Some years, it can be very difficult to get your hands on certain toys once they make the list. If any of these happen to be on your child’s Dear Santa list, then keep your eyes open for them. […]

Holiday on a Budget: Making a Plan
Have you ever experienced buyer’s regret in January, once the credit card bills start rolling in reflecting your holiday spending? I know that I have.. there’s just something about the season that prompts many of us to overspend. Whether it’s decorations, special foods, gifts for every person that we know, holiday parties, new outfits, or […]

Preparing for Black Friday
Black Friday is now less than two weeks away, and the most die-hard bargain shoppers are already compiling their lists and mapping their strategies! Some stores open at 10:00 pm on Thanksgiving itself, other at midnight on November 23, and still others between 3:00 and 6:00 am. Different merchandise is available in different places, and […]

Choosing a Winter Coat
Hard as it may be to believe, the winter months will be here before we know it. And if your winter coat is looking a little threadbare, the impending arrival of winter may mean that it’s time for you to shop for a new winter coat. Because a good winter coat is normally more expensive […]

How to Save Money on Sports Equipment
If you have a middle- or high-schooler, chances are that he or she wants to participate in school sports. My teenager is on the golf team now, and plans to join the soccer team during the winter sports season. Her equipment is not cheap: from golf shoes to a golf glove (who knew?) to soccer […]

How to Buy a Sleeping Bag
In some areas of the country, the popular camping season is winding down, but in some parts of the South, it’s just beginning! Whether you live where it’s cold or warm in the fall, you might want to take the kids camping one weekend. October is a great month to camp if you see a […]

How to Buy the Perfect Purse
Pre-kids, you may have always carried a small, trendy purse. Once the babies start coming, though, we moms tend to rely on a diaper bag to hold our wallets and lipsticks (along with diapers, wipes, bibs, baby food, bottles, a change of clothes, burp cloths…). Even when the kids get a bit bigger, we do […]

Try all new styles with the TOMS Shoes Fall 2012 Collection
TOMS introduces the Fall Collection signaling the onset of a new season of style with its Toms Shoes 2012 Fall Collection. TOMS decides to spread the joy across all members of the family with its new range covering the man, woman, youth and kids with fresh and unique designs in each of the sections. This […]

For Trade: Is Bartering the Way to Go?
You have probably heard and tried lots of tips in order to find a bargain, from shopping clearance sales, to buying certain items during specific times of the year, to going to yard sales, rummage sales and thrift shops. What if you wanted to shop for an item without spending any money, though? Kids seem […]