Category: Shopping

Get Some Spring in Your Step With TOMS Shoes
Are you looking forward to spring? I know that when we lived up north, by the beginning of February, I was on the lookout for the crocuses to start poking out of the snow, even though it would be another month before they’d actually appear. With much of the country suffering from the winter doldrums, […]

New Magazine Subscriptions for the New Year
Do you read magazines? How about your kids? When I was a child, one of my Christmas presents from my grandparents every year was a new year’s subscription to whatever magazines that I was reading at the time. This tradition has been continued with my children, as their grandparents pick out magazines for them each […]

January Sales: Camping Gear
In most places, now is not the most popular time to go camping as a family. There are some exceptions, of course: If you live in the hotter states in the country, then now may be the best time to go camping! Either way, January is a good time to buy camping gear. The lower […]

Places to Donate Your Child’s Old Toys
Now that the holiday has passed and all the presents have been opened, are you finding that your child’s room is a little more cluttered than usual? That probably means it’s time to clear out some of the extra toys and things that your child has grown too old for or gotten bored with. The […]

Cold-Weather Clothing for Kids With Sensory Sensitivities
All over the country, parents are getting their kids bundled up when it’s time to go outside. Although I live in a warm climate now, when my children were very small, we lived in New England. My daughter, in particular, is very sensitive when it comes to textures and fabrics. Many kids are like this; […]

Holiday Shopping: Stocking Stuffers
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care… and in just a few days, Santa will need to fill them up! When I was a kid, our stockings tended to be full of candy, but there was always an orange in the toe of the stocking. Did Santa do that at your house too? […]

Holiday Gifts for the Teacher
It’s that time of year again: You’re making your list and checking it twice, making sure that you have something for everyone. It might be easy to buy for your children, parents, husband and close friends, but it can be difficult to choose something appropriate for someone with whom you have a casual relationship. Whether […]

The Many ways to stay Warm this Winter @TOMS
The cooler weather has finally arrived and it feels great! TOMS headquarters updates are great and we get them year-round. This update is “How we wear them” TOMS Winter Edition. In the winter edition of How to wear Toms is a great series because there are versatile styles for the whole family. When you buy […]

Holiday Shopping: Mindbending Gift Ideas
With the holidays quickly approaching, you’re probably making your list and checking it twice as you attempt to create a balance in the gifts that you buy for your children, nieces, nephews and other young family members and friends. The kids want gifts that are fun, fun, fun, and you want to give them something […]

Lego Fun in 2012
Every year, toys get more and more technologically advanced, and less and less like anything we remember playing with as kids. Or do they? Some old school toys have made “retro” comebacks, and at least one never needed to come back, because it never went away in the first place. I’m speaking, of course, of […]