RSSCategory: Shopping

TOMS Shoes and Zulily Bring You Big Savings

TOMS Shoes and Zulily Bring You Big Savings

| July 10, 2013 | 15 Comments

Shopaholic Mommy is so excited to announce that two of our very favorite companies are working together, starting today and lasting for the next two days! We know that you are going to want to hear the news, and also that you’ll want to take advantage of excellent savings!
TOMS Shoes are now available on Zulily […]

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Swimsuit Buying Tips for Moms

Swimsuit Buying Tips for Moms

| July 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

Swimsuit season is in full swing, but I know that there are some of you out there who haven’t bought a new bathing suit for the summer. If you’re feeling discouraged because you’re having trouble finding something flattering and feminine, here are some tips on finding a great suit based on your body shape. And […]

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Things to Buy on Sale in May

Things to Buy on Sale in May

| April 30, 2013 | 0 Comments

Last year, we talked about some of the best things to buy on sale in May. Most of these ideas, from mattresses to party supplies, to kitchen appliances, cookware and more, will be great deals again this year. May is the beginning of the unofficial “summer” season, and you’ll soon be able to start taking […]

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One Day Without Shoes 2013 @TOMS

One Day Without Shoes 2013 @TOMS

| April 16, 2013 | 0 Comments

One Day Without Shoes 2013 is on Tuesday April 16th! Join us as we go without shoes so kids don’t have to. You too can  participate in One Day Without Shoes. What does that mean? Well, One Day Without Shoes is a project started to raise awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can […]

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Ideas for Decorating Birthday Cakes

Ideas for Decorating Birthday Cakes

| April 2, 2013 | 20 Comments

Confession time: When my kids’ birthdays roll around each year, you’re much more likely to find me at the local Publix bakery ordering a cake than in the kitchen, donning an apron, putting my (non-existent) cake-decorating skills to the test. Sometimes I do like watching the cake-decorating challenges on the cooking channels, though, and occasionally […]

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Raincoat-Buying Tips

Raincoat-Buying Tips

| March 22, 2013 | 2 Comments

You know the saying: April showers bring May flowers. Spring is officially here, and depending on where in the country you live, you might be dealing with rain now. The good news is that the weather is warming up, so if you’re still wearing your winter coat, you won’t be soon enough! That can make […]

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The New Gaming Systems: Pros and Cons

The New Gaming Systems: Pros and Cons

| March 19, 2013 | 19 Comments

If you’re looking to invest in a new gaming system or handheld device for your kids or for the family, you might be interested in some of the newer offerings from Nintendo and Playstation. Both have recently come out with new and improved gaming gadgets designed to tempt kids and adults who are interested in […]

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Easter Basket Stuffers

Easter Basket Stuffers

| March 7, 2013 | 24 Comments

What does the Easter Bunny bring to your children? Santa Claus pretty much universally brings toys, but Easter Bunny gifts tend to be somewhat more varied. In some homes he may bring chocolates or other candy, in other homes toys, in still others the Easter Bunny may simply hide colored eggs around the house. There […]

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Prom Dress Shopping Tips

Prom Dress Shopping Tips

| March 5, 2013 | 10 Comments

Spring brings with it many things: new blooms, weddings, spring break revelries. And if you’re the parent of a teenaged girl, somewhere between April and the end of May is prom season. That probably means that you’ll need to be prepared to pick out (and pay for) a prom dress. This can be end up […]

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Jumping Into Spring With Crocs

Jumping Into Spring With Crocs

| February 22, 2013 | 16 Comments

Are you and your kids excited to be shedding winter boots and other heavy shoes very soon? According to Punxsutawney Phil, spring is right around the corner, and with spring comes light and bright footwear! I know that when I lived up north, I was itching to get into sandals as soon as possible. Once […]

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