Category: Shopping

National Coupon Month
With September being National Coupon Month, now’s a great time to learn how to use coupons effectively, if you don’t already know. I remember being a little girl, carrying my mom’s huge book of coupons through the store while she rattled off what she was buying. I’d have to go through her alphabetically-indexed file, trying […]

Easter Gifts for Teens
Once your child has grown out of Easter egg hunts, what is there to do on Easter morning? First, you might be surprised at how much a teen will still enjoy an egg hunt if younger siblings are participating. Or, she might like to be the one to hide the eggs! Assuming you have no […]

Black Friday or Cyber Monday What’s the Difference
Black Friday vs Cyber Monday
Every year, the buzz gets bigger and bigger on the two major shopping days of the Holiday season. For a veteran shopper, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals are old news. There is a definite difference on what days can save you the most money on certain items. Here are the […]

Getting Organized: Planning Ahead for a Garage Sale
The snow may be blowing where you are, and you might think that it’s silly to even think about getting ready for a garage sale! Time flies, though, and if you’re in the process of getting organized anyway, you might as well kill two birds with one stone and prep your unwanted items now. This […]

Shopping For a New Car for the Family
The new 2016 vehicle models will be coming out over the next couple of months, so this might be a great time for you to consider trading in your old car for a new one. Even if you’re not looking for something brand-spanking new, you might get a great deal on one of last year’s […]

Black Friday Shopping Guide
There are a lot of good deals to be had on Black Friday. However, with almost every retailer advertising some kind of discount, it can be hard to decide whether you should actually brave the crowds to save a little bit of money. Here’s a quick guide that will help you determine how to get […]

How to Choose the right Bicycle for a Child
In a few weeks or months, depending on where you live, bicycle season will be starting once again! Chances are that your kids have grown since the last time they’ve ridden, and they might be ready for a new bike. How do you know what to get, though? And how do you know what size […]

Suffering from Buyers Remorse
If you are like many of us at one point in your life you have made a purchase then regretted it. This is known as buyers remorse and no worries because you are not alone. We all watched the news and saw the people camping out or standing in line for days to get the […]

Buying Winter Boots for Kids
It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year already, but if you live in one of the northern states, your mornings and evenings are probably getting pretty chilly… and if they’re not, they will be soon! Over the next few months, your now-sunny days will get blustery, and it will be time to […]

New Shoes for School: Getting the Right Fit
Kids grow like weeds, and if you’re like me, you’re buying your children new shoes at least once or twice per year. I live in an area where we can wear sandals year-round, but schools usually require sneakers for gym class and sometimes as part of the school uniform, so every summer, we troop out […]