Fall Birthday Party Ideas

Fall Birthday Party Ideas

| October 19, 2022 | 2 Comments

The time of year for pool parties may have passed, but never fear; if your child has a fall birthday, this can be a wonderful time to plan a party. School is in session, so your child has easy access to all the friends he wants to invite. And the season easily lends itself to […]


Supporting Your Student’s High School Activities

Supporting Your Student’s High School Activities

| September 30, 2022 | 5 Comments

If you are the parent of a high school student involved in an extracurricular activity (or several) you probably already know why those activities are important. Whether it’s a sports team or cheerleading, drama club or chess club, these extra activities are teaching your child about time management and commitment, improving her social skills, raising […]


Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom

Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom

| September 15, 2022 | 29 Comments

You know how difficult it can be to work efficiently in a messy, unkempt area. As your child heads back to school this fall, having a disorganized bedroom can keep her from being able to focus on her other tasks, such as getting ready in the morning or doing her homework in the evening. I […]


Helping Your High School Freshman Adjust

Helping Your High School Freshman Adjust

| August 15, 2022 | 1 Comment

If your son or daughter graduated from 8th grade a couple of months ago, you’re ready to jump into being the parent of a high schooler! This transition can be just as hard on you as it is for your child, or even more so; it can be hard to realize that your baby is […]


School Choice: Know Your Options

School Choice: Know Your Options

| August 4, 2022 | 0 Comments

When it comes time to choose a school for your children, you may have a lot of choices: In my community alone, there are a handful of public elementary schools, three charter schools, a few private schools and a large network of homeschoolers. With so many choices, how do you make the right one for […]


Things to Buy on Sale in August

Things to Buy on Sale in August

| July 28, 2022 | 6 Comments

It’s almost August already! This is typically the time to stock up on back-to-school items if you live in a state that doesn’t start back to school until the end of the month or after Labor Day. (You might still be able to get some great deals in the states that start earlier, as well, […]



Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over French invaders in 1862. Today it is celebrated not only in Mexico but in the US as well. We LOVE mexican food (as a matter of fact tacos are on our weekly family menu) and we can’t wait to have our fiesta tonight! Here are some […]

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Our resident TopChef and cooking advisor has some Turkey tips for you this holiday season…… It’s just my husband and I in our household, so I rarely make turkey. Perhaps a turkey breast now and then, but never a whole turkey.  Besides I never needed to.  Thanksgiving was always celebrated at my uncle’s house with […]


Things to Buy on Sale in February

Things to Buy on Sale in February

With a special holiday involving flowers, chocolate, and hearts coming up soon, you may have been planning to spend your extra money on Valentine’s Day items over the next couple of weeks. If you’re hoping to save money in February, though, those are definitely not the items that will be on sale… at least not […]

Shopping the January Sales

Shopping the January Sales

If I asked you when the best time is to stock up on school supplies, you’d say July, right? It’s when all of the big box stores tend to have boxes of crayons for fifty cents or two, 10-packs of markers for a couple of bucks, and those spiral notebooks that get caught on everything […]