When Kids Don’t Have Health Insurance

When Kids Don’t Have Health Insurance

| February 25, 2013 | 16 Comments

According to CNN.com, there are about 7.3 million uninsured children in the United States, which is nearly 10 percent of all of the kids in the country. That means that about 1 in 10 of our readers may be struggling with the problem of not being able to afford health care for their children. Since […]


Jumping Into Spring With Crocs

Jumping Into Spring With Crocs

| February 22, 2013 | 16 Comments

Are you and your kids excited to be shedding winter boots and other heavy shoes very soon? According to Punxsutawney Phil, spring is right around the corner, and with spring comes light and bright footwear! I know that when I lived up north, I was itching to get into sandals as soon as possible. Once […]


How to Choose a Pediatrician

How to Choose a Pediatrician

| February 21, 2013 | 8 Comments

When we moved from New England down to Florida, it was difficult to choose a pediatrician. We had a wonderful doctor for our children up north, and I was pretty sure that we wouldn’t find someone to fill his shoes. For a short time, we actually coasted by with no primary care physician for our […]


Today is Random Act of Kindness Day

Today is Random Act of Kindness Day

| February 17, 2013 | 33 Comments

Today is Random Act of Kindness Day! Although doing an act of kindness today wouldn’t exactly be random, it’s still a wonderful concept: Do something nice for someone else with no expectation of anything in return. It could be something big or small. The idea is that if people performed random acts of kindness all […]


Early Easter Photo Hints and Tips

Early Easter Photo Hints and Tips

| February 12, 2013 | 34 Comments

Tomorrow is already Ash Wednesday, which means that Easter is coming up quickly! When you were young, did you have pictures taken in your Easter best? I remember getting a new pastel dress, complete with matching bonnet or hat, each year. I got the better deal than my brother, who always complained about his stiff […]


When Your Toddler Bites

When Your Toddler Bites

| February 11, 2013 | 18 Comments

I was recently at a playground and witnessed a biting incident between two toddlers. Like all biting incidents, it happened very quickly and no one was the wiser until the bitee let out a shriek, so I’m not sure what provoked the bite. As I often do when I’m around misbehaving teeny ones, I was […]



Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over French invaders in 1862. Today it is celebrated not only in Mexico but in the US as well. We LOVE mexican food (as a matter of fact tacos are on our weekly family menu) and we can’t wait to have our fiesta tonight! Here are some […]

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Our resident TopChef and cooking advisor has some Turkey tips for you this holiday season…… It’s just my husband and I in our household, so I rarely make turkey. Perhaps a turkey breast now and then, but never a whole turkey.  Besides I never needed to.  Thanksgiving was always celebrated at my uncle’s house with […]


Things to Buy on Sale in February

Things to Buy on Sale in February

With a special holiday involving flowers, chocolate, and hearts coming up soon, you may have been planning to spend your extra money on Valentine’s Day items over the next couple of weeks. If you’re hoping to save money in February, though, those are definitely not the items that will be on sale… at least not […]

Shopping the January Sales

Shopping the January Sales

If I asked you when the best time is to stock up on school supplies, you’d say July, right? It’s when all of the big box stores tend to have boxes of crayons for fifty cents or two, 10-packs of markers for a couple of bucks, and those spiral notebooks that get caught on everything […]