It’s April Fool’s Day!

It’s April Fool’s Day!

| April 1, 2013 | 3 Comments

Happy April 1, otherwise known as April Fool’s Day! This can be a really fun day for families, as we all love a good joke, and today is the day to get away with much silliness. You have so many possibilities for pranks… you could go with old classics, like using a rubber band to […]


“32” Taylor Swift Parody: 30-Something Answer To “22”

“32” Taylor Swift Parody: 30-Something Answer To “22”

| April 1, 2013 | 1 Comment

If you are in your 30’s you can relate!
If you are in your 20’s then Carpe Diem!

Versus Taylor Swift’s 22


Taking Care of You on National Doctor’s Day

Taking Care of You on National Doctor’s Day

| March 30, 2013 | 1 Comment

Today is  National Doctor’s Day, a day set aside to appreciate your doctors. According to Holiday Insights, the day began back in 1933 when Eudora Brown Almond created the holiday to commemorate the anniversary of the usage of general anesthesia in surgery. Nowadays, we take many of our current medical advances for granted, but of […]


Vitamin D: What You Need to Know

Vitamin D: What You Need to Know

| March 28, 2013 | 2 Comments

You may have heard about vitamin D recently; the health benefits of this fat-soluble vitamin are becoming more and more well-known, and so are the dangers of vitamin D deficiency. You might be wondering whether you need to worry about supplements for you and for your kids. Here are some facts that you should know […]


Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

| March 26, 2013 | 4 Comments

Have you ever wanted to make up your own holiday? Perhaps you wish that we celebrated your favorite hobby or what you feel is an overlooked occupation. Or maybe you just like observing the fun, trivial or puzzling things in life and wish there was a celebration to match some of these quirky ideas. If […]


Spring Cleaning Safety Tips

Spring Cleaning Safety Tips

| March 24, 2013 | 3 Comments

It’s that time of year again… time to open the windows and beat the dirt, grime and dust of winter out of the house, a practice commonly known as “spring cleaning.” Actually, spring cleaning used to be very important in the “old days,” when people had stoves for heat that tended to make everything sooty. […]



Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over French invaders in 1862. Today it is celebrated not only in Mexico but in the US as well. We LOVE mexican food (as a matter of fact tacos are on our weekly family menu) and we can’t wait to have our fiesta tonight! Here are some […]

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Our resident TopChef and cooking advisor has some Turkey tips for you this holiday season…… It’s just my husband and I in our household, so I rarely make turkey. Perhaps a turkey breast now and then, but never a whole turkey.  Besides I never needed to.  Thanksgiving was always celebrated at my uncle’s house with […]


Things to Buy on Sale in February

Things to Buy on Sale in February

With a special holiday involving flowers, chocolate, and hearts coming up soon, you may have been planning to spend your extra money on Valentine’s Day items over the next couple of weeks. If you’re hoping to save money in February, though, those are definitely not the items that will be on sale… at least not […]

Shopping the January Sales

Shopping the January Sales

If I asked you when the best time is to stock up on school supplies, you’d say July, right? It’s when all of the big box stores tend to have boxes of crayons for fifty cents or two, 10-packs of markers for a couple of bucks, and those spiral notebooks that get caught on everything […]