Entertaining Your Kids So You Can Watch The Super Bowl

Entertaining Your Kids So You Can Watch The Super Bowl

| January 29, 2015 | 0 Comments

The Super Bowl is just around the corner. If you have kids you know that it can be impossible to watch the game with little ones underfoot. Instead of just hoping that your kids will let you watch at least a little bit of the game, plan ahead so that you can easily be able […]


Pinterest and Homemade Valentines

Pinterest and Homemade Valentines

| January 27, 2015 | 25 Comments

Valentine’s Day is in just a few weeks, and my kids are raring to go! I don’t like buying the valentines from the grocery store; my kids tend to just throw those out. Making homemade valentines is definitely something that takes time, but if you start now and make a few per night, you can […]


Winter Birthday Party Ideas

Winter Birthday Party Ideas

| January 10, 2015 | 23 Comments

With my own birthday falling in January, and having grown up in the cold and snowy northeast, I can empathize with the children who will be celebrating birthdays over the next couple of months. Having a birthday party in the dead of winter gets a bum rap sometimes. Pool parties are out, unless they’re being […]


Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas

Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas

| December 22, 2014 | 54 Comments

By now, most of us have our shopping and wrapping done (unless you’re finishing up your wrapping after the kids go to bed!). You may be getting together with friends and family tonight, or you may be going to church for a lovely candle-lit service. Or, you might stay home and do your own thing […]


Gift Ideas For Teachers Or Caregivers

Gift Ideas For Teachers Or Caregivers

| December 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Trying to figure out what to get your child’s teacher or caregiver can be stressful. Some years you may luck out and know exactly what to get that person, while other years you might be stuck looking for a gift idea at the last minute. We’ve put together a little guide of what to buy […]


What to Do With Thanksgiving Leftovers?

What to Do With Thanksgiving Leftovers?

| November 28, 2014 | 25 Comments

We at ShopaholicMommy hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday! The last thing I am thinking about it eating because I still feel full from yesterday by I guaranteed most of your household does not feel the same way! Now that the day is over and you may be completely wiped out from some […]



Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over French invaders in 1862. Today it is celebrated not only in Mexico but in the US as well. We LOVE mexican food (as a matter of fact tacos are on our weekly family menu) and we can’t wait to have our fiesta tonight! Here are some […]

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Our resident TopChef and cooking advisor has some Turkey tips for you this holiday season…… It’s just my husband and I in our household, so I rarely make turkey. Perhaps a turkey breast now and then, but never a whole turkey.  Besides I never needed to.  Thanksgiving was always celebrated at my uncle’s house with […]


Things to Buy on Sale in February

Things to Buy on Sale in February

With a special holiday involving flowers, chocolate, and hearts coming up soon, you may have been planning to spend your extra money on Valentine’s Day items over the next couple of weeks. If you’re hoping to save money in February, though, those are definitely not the items that will be on sale… at least not […]

Shopping the January Sales

Shopping the January Sales

If I asked you when the best time is to stock up on school supplies, you’d say July, right? It’s when all of the big box stores tend to have boxes of crayons for fifty cents or two, 10-packs of markers for a couple of bucks, and those spiral notebooks that get caught on everything […]