Category: Outdoor

Sun Safety Year round
Even this time of year, when a day spent scantily clad in the sunshine is the furthest thing from your mind, you need to keep your kids (and yourself) safe in the sun. This past weekend we spent most of the day in the sun. Even though it is March that sun was hot and […]

Nickelodeon Worldwide Day of Play
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play is on September 24th, 2011; that is this Saturday! What is the Worldwide Day of Play you ask. Nickelodeon is encouraging you to be active and healthy so they just turn off the network. Yes, you read this correctly, on Worldwide Day of Play Nickelodeon goes completely dark so you […]

Sunblock Spray News
The FDA is still completing an analysis of potential risks from using spray sunscreens. The concern is that toxic ingredients are being inhaled, particularly by children who are usually fidgeting when they are being sprayed. In general it is best not to use sprays on children at all, unless you have nothing else available. If […]

IGrill App
Most of us who are not BBQ experts own a meat thermometer to make sure we don’t under or overcook our favorite meats. If you grill often, or you were looking for a unique gift idea for your husband, you might even have a wireless meat thermometer, where you can take a small pocket sized […]

Great American Backyard Campout
National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Backyard Campout, slated this year for today June 25. Camping, even for just a night in a backyard, is a way to put children in touch with nature. A study in the 1990s found that people who grew up to be conservationists almost invariably had someone in their lives who […]

Picnic Food Safety Tips
It’s officially summer, and temperatures are hot throughout the U.S. Summer weekends are synonymous with bbq’s and picnics, but are you taking the recommended precautions to keep your food safe? Microorganisms love to grown in hot weather, and develop quickly. Here are 7 tips to follow when planning to eat outside.
1. Keep perishable food on […]

First Day of Summer 2011
Get ready because today is the first Day of Summer Summer Solstice which turns out to be the longest day of the year. Summer Solstice results in the longest day and the shortest night of the year everywhere in the northern hemisphere. Not sure what to do on this longest day – how about a […]

Water Conservation Tips
Our state is currently experiencing one of the worse droughts in its history. We are 41 inches below in the rainfall total compared to last year and every day it seems to get hotter and hotter. Many counties around us are now only allowed to water their grass once and week and we are next. […]

Sun Safety
The sun is essential to human life. There are two types of ultraviolet rays UVA and UVB that we need to know about. Each one causes specific damage to all of us if we do not protect ourselves. It is important to note the unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage, […]

Sunburn Remedy
So you put sun block on, went into the water and forgot to reapply? That happened to me last weekend and I got quite the sunburn. My back and shoulders hurt so much it was difficult to lie down. I immediately put on Banana Boat Aloe Vera Sun Burn relief gel which normally works fine, […]