Category: Outdoor

Grill Safety Tips
We are about to fire up the grill and start our BBQ so I thought it was important to mention a few BBQ grill safety tips. Summer is a great time because the kids are out of school and the weather is great to be outside but, were you aware of scary statistic concerning kids […]

Fall Foliage Photography
This time of year, I love looking at photos of fall foliage. It brings me back to when I was a child and young adult, enjoying football games, hot apple cider, raking the leaves into a pile to jump in, pumpkin carving, apple picking, and all of the other delights of fall. Since moving to […]

Gardening With Kids: Getting Started
Almost every winter, I say that this will be the year that I’ll start a garden with the kids. And every year, summer rolls around without me actually starting a garden. We’ve done containers of tomato plants and we usually have some potted herbs on our back porch, but we’ve never done the type of […]

Beach Bag Necessities for Your Trip
Many of us are headed to the beach, boat or the pool for most of the weekend! I am packing everything up now so we are not in a mad rush (yeah right)! As I was getting everything together I thought it would make for a good post!
First, you need a good beach bag. I […]

Outdoor Science Activities
A few months ago, we talked about some indoor science experiments to enjoy during the cold weather of winter. Now that the temperature is rising over most of the country, it’s time to think about some fun outdoor science activities that you can perform with your children on weekends or during spring break. Kids are […]

Recess: Is It Really Necessary?
When I was a kid, we had recess before school, at some point in the mid-morning, and again after lunch. Do you remember those days of playing four-square and kickball on the blacktop? I sure do! Many elementary schools across the nation are cutting out recess, however. In my town, the goal is to let […]

How to Buy a Sleeping Bag
In some areas of the country, the popular camping season is winding down, but in some parts of the South, it’s just beginning! Whether you live where it’s cold or warm in the fall, you might want to take the kids camping one weekend. October is a great month to camp if you see a […]

Memorial Day
Memorial Day is more than a day where we go to the beach, BBQ or parade. The real meaning for this day is to remember those who have died serving our country. In the United States Memorial Day a federal holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day was officially proclaimed […]

Family Nature Walk Tips
As the last of winter’s snow melts, your kids might start pointing out the sights, smells and sounds of early spring. I can remember my childhood excitement of being able to go out in just long sleeves, without a sweater or coat, after the long winters. This is the perfect time to start a habit […]

Spring Gardening Tips for Families
In chatting with a family member who lives up north, it seems as though spring really is just around the corner! It might be too early to start planting in the ground where you are, but the second half of February is a great time to start planning your garden, particularly if you want your […]