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A Guide to Spring Fashion Trends for 2011
Want to know what is hot this spring then read Moda Operandi’s Lauren Santo Domingo’s guide to this spring’s trends:
Stripes: The ubiquitous sailor stripe is not going anywhere. Stella McCartney started with a shift toward bigger, bolder stripes last fall and Prada firmly staked this trend in fashion history. Big bold stripes in jarring colors […]

How to get kids more involved in charities
Want to know how to get your kids more involved with charities and the world around them? A new study shows that people often became involved with charities because they saw their own parents involved with charities. Here is yet again another example of how we as parents are “leading by example”. The article goes […]

Do food dyes make kids hyperactive?
Are you concerned about artificial food dyes? The Federal Government is investigating a potential link between artificial food colorings and behavioral changes in children. The FDA is meeting for the next two days to consider warning labels, risk factors and other concerns surrounding the 15 million pounds of synthetic food colorings added to the U.S. […]

Fun Crafts for Kids : Martha’s Eggshell Flowerpots
We are always looking for new craft ideas to do with the kids and this craft is great for boys and girls. Of course it goes without saying that you must wash the eggshells before starting to use them to help prevent the spread of possible salmonella in your garden.
Young gardeners can use eggshells as […]

My Chore Chart. Kids Chore Management
Have you ever heard of My Chore Chart? It is a free online chore chart for kids that has a reward store built into it that operates through amazon. We all struggle to get kids to help around the house. They seem to take for granted that everything is just done for them. Once they […]

Must Read Article: A decade of lessons in parenting
I have not reached my decade milestone of parenting yet but I am close. There is this great article on titled “A Decade of Lessons in Parenting“. This is a wonderful article and I especially love the part about how “kids are born with built-in chump detectors” – this is so true and its […]

What to do if you and your kids encounter a Snake!
Ah the joys of Spring and with it comes beautiful flowers but also an abundance of snakes. Not to make you paranoid (like I am) but the snakes are every where, in the grass, the flower beds, and even in the lake where you live. Snakes provide an invaluable service around your home by eating […]

Peanut Allergies – another school case in the news
Another Peanut Allergy case has made national news. The Today Show covered a story about a school in Florida that is in the middle of a peanut protest. Parents are upset and feel that the school is infringing on their rights and the rights of snack time. Watch the today show video to see what […]

Car Seat Recommendations for 2011 from American Academy of Pediatrics
One of our biggest concerns when traveling by car is keeping the kids as safe as possible. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration updated their recommendations on rear facing car seats and a few other things. They now recommend that all children should stay rear-facing until the age of […]

Stylish Camera Bag for Women
Hands down the best Mother’s Day gift to day was the Epiphanie camera bag I got ! Finally some one designed a camera bag that looks like a purse but fits all my equipment. There are five different styles to choose from and an assortment of colors. I have the Ginger bag. Here are the […]