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Votre Vu Review
Leave it to the French for creative packaging. If you are running short on room in your purse, try this combo hand crème (1.35 oz) and lip balm in one by Votre Vu. The cream smells great, made from almonds and coconut and offers some protection from UVA/UVB rays. The lip balm is a nice […]

Uses for Dryer Sheets
Want to keep your shower door looking clean and free from soap scum buildup? Here’s an easy trick. Take your used dryer sheets and wipe over the inside of the wet shower doors. The sheets have ingredients that soften water deposits so even built up reside comes right off. Other uses for dryer sheets including […]

Parents magazine cover photo contest
ENTER NOW: Parents Magazine cover contest ends in June! 10 winners will receive an all-expenses paid trip to NYC for a professional photo shoot. One kid will grace the Parents Magazine cover! Upload photos of your child by June 25, 2011. 10 winners will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to New York City to be photographed […]

Shopping for a father’s day gift?
Shopping for a father’s day gift? Hugo Boss, Marc Jacobs, Nautica and others currently have “Gifts with purchase” offers at Macys. Please note that most of these offers are available exclusively online, so you won’t find them at the stores. This means you need to order soon to have them in time for father’s day.
These […]

Less Radiation with a Headset
A few days ago we reported on how the World Health Organization listed cell phones on the list of “carcinogenic hazards”. The Radiation from cell phones may cause cancer. Since the release of Twitter and Facebook less and less people use the phone to call each other. Instead, we all send each other Text messages […]

Cell Phones cause Cancer?
The headlines are now all over the news the World Health Organization has found that Radiation from cell phones may cause cancer. Cell phones are now on a list with, engine exhaust, chloroform, lead as a “carcinogenic hazard”. WHO had a team of 31 scientists researching the safety of cell phones. This team found that […]

Stress and Obesity
Which do you think is worse on your body being Obese or being Stressed? The truth is that both are awful and are hazardous to our health. If you ever wondered just how bad stress is for you here it goes.
STRESS: At times we put our body is under stress. When we do this a […]

TOMS for Grads
Ah, graduation time is upon us once again ! I remember my own graduation. It was a mix of nervousness and excitement of what was to come. Now, I recognize that graduation is a time for us to be so thankful to those that helped us get so far like the countless teachers, amazing friends […]

A Million Dollars or a Perfect Body?
I was reading a survey on USA Today from a few days ago and they posed the question would you take A Million Dollars or would you rather have Your Dream Body? According to the survey 22% of Americans would pass up on a million dollar lottery winning to have a dream body for the […]

Safer Chemicals Act Jessica Alba
Several months ago while watching a TED video I was enlightened and scared enough to make a change for my family. I suggest you read the Unhealthy Truth about our food it is eye opening a scary to find out about our food supply. It was the author of that book, Robyn O’Brien shares her personal story […]