Category: Holidays

Last Minute Halloween Costumes
We know that this time of year is pretty busy for parents. With Halloween parties and fall festivals, you’ve probably forgotten one important thing: your kid’s Halloween costume. Don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Here’s our list of the easiest last minute Halloween costumes that you can make for your kids.
Flower Princess
You’ll Need:
-Fake Flowers
-Hot […]

Halloween Candy: Making Healthier Choices
Have you already purchased candy for Halloween? We all have our favorites: My kids love anything chewy and sticky, whereas I usually raid their stash for anything chocolate! You might be concerned about the sugar, fat and calories (not to mention additives like food coloring) are going to affect your kids over the next week […]

Labor Day Family Fun
Do you have plans for Labor Day yet? This is the holiday that marks the official end of summer for many people, so it’s important to make it a special day for you and your family to have fun and relax before everybody returns to the daily grind. Labor Day is a day set aside […]

February 18 is Presidents’ Day
Today is Presidents’ Day! It’s the day that we observe George Washington’s birthday, and we also remember other presidents, as well. Some schools are open today, but others are closed for the holiday. Whether your kids are home for the day or won’t be home until later on, here are some ideas for observing Presidents’ […]

Merry Christmas From ShopaholicMommy
Merry Christmas! Today many of us gather with family and friends to celebrate Christmas. Your children may have woken you up very early, or maybe everyone slept in and you had a leisurely morning. You might be enjoying a white Christmas, or the temperature where you live might be balmy enough that you can wear […]

Holiday Gift Wrap Hints and Tips
Once all of your holiday shopping is done, you’ll probably have a lot of wrapping to do. Some people, of course, wrap as they buy, but at our house, usually my husband I stay up late on Christmas Eve in order to get everything wrapped just so. We normally stock up on paper from Walmart, […]

Christmas Card Success Tips
It’s time to get those Christmas cards in the mail, if you haven’t already. I know that I tend to procrastinate with this sort of thing, and truth be told, I will be ordering cards this weekend. If you’re similar in your foot-dragging when it comes to getting cards made, written, addressed and sent, here […]

Halloween Safety Tips
The night when little ghouls and goblins will be out trick-or-treating is coming up, and if your kids are anything like mine, they’ve been planning their costumes for some time. Halloween should be about fun and a bit of spookiness, but most of all, it should be a safe evening for all. Before you head […]

Halloween Party Fun
Have you made plans for Halloween yet? If trick or treating is not your favorite thing, or if you don’t live in a good area for it, you might want to consider hosting a Halloween party instead. This can be a great way for your kids to get together with their friends, admire each other’s […]

Mother’s Day Gifts You Can Make
Mother’s Day is coming up in just a few short weeks, making this a great time to start thinking about gift ideas for your own mother and mother-in-law, as well as for other mothers that you are close to. In many families, the children make homemade cards and gifts, while the adults tend to buy […]