Category: Holidays

Celebrating Three Kings Day
Three Kings Day, also known as Little Christmas, Twelfth Night or, of course, the Feast of Epiphany, is celebrated on January 6th. Coming a dozen days after Christmas, the day is the official end of the “Twelve Days of Christmas”. In some parts of the world, this holiday is as big and important a part […]

August 30 is National Toasted Marshmallow Day!
One of the sweet pleasures of summer is making s’mores with the kids over a campfire. While this is something that can be enjoyed any warm day or night, the activity would be especially relevant if done on August 30, which happens to be National Toasted Marshmallow Day! You might not have known that a […]

Mothers Against Drunk Driving: Holiday Tips to Stay Safe
December is bursting with festivities, and with those festivities are often alcoholic beverages. It’s fine for you to have a few drinks, of course, and drinking moderately can help set a good example for your children of appropriate and responsible alcohol usage. Of course, every year we hear of injuries and fatalities caused by drinking […]

Holiday on a Budget: Giving Experiences
We’ve been talking over the past few weeks about ways to make the upcoming holiday season more affordable. Most of us need to watch our holiday budgets, and starting to think about gifts early can make a big difference in your credit card statements come January! Many times, the extra time and energy you invest […]

Hanukkah Traditions
I grew up with a Catholic mother and a Jewish father, so I was exposed to all sorts of holiday traditions. Although we celebrated Christmas at home, we’d go to my paternal grandmother’s house every December to observe Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights. We’d gather at some point during the celebration to light candles […]

March 10 Is Middle Name Pride Day
Today is Middle Name Pride Day. A rather obscure holiday, it’s a day to celebrate your middle name! When I was pregnant with each of our children, my husband and I would talk at length about names. We put almost as much discussion and thought into middle names as we did into first names, but […]

Christmas Traditions You Should Start With Your Kids Now
We know that you are very busy this holiday season. However, now is a great time to start some traditions that your children will remember throughout their lifetime. All of these traditions will allow children to get into the holiday spirit and give back to the community in some way. Even with a to do […]

Your Holiday Gift, Tip and Bonus Guide
While you’re busy getting gifts together for your children, your spouse, your parents and other extended family members, it can be easy to forget about the service people who we hire to take care of various things for us. While you should never feel obligated to give a gift, you might be wondering what’s appropriate […]

Last-Minute Edible Gifts
With Christmas only a few days away, you may still have a few people on your list left to buy for. Because the kids are home this weekend, though, this is a great time to spend some time in the kitchen with them, making edible gifts to give out early this week! The great thing […]