Category: For Moms Only

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions Alive
We’re halfway through February already – where did the time go? If you made some New Year’s resolutions, you may wonder how to keep up the momentum. According to studies, 80% of people give up on their resolutions by February. But there is still time to get back on track!
Here are some helpful tips to […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You might have guessed: Department stores are displaying lots of pink items, and football players are rocking the pink sneakers for the month of October. Breast cancer awareness is quite widespread; whether you’re buying yogurt or posting on Facebook, you’ll see lots of pink ribbons and other markers indicating […]

Mothers Against Drunk Driving: Holiday Tips to Stay Safe
December is bursting with festivities, and with those festivities are often alcoholic beverages. It’s fine for you to have a few drinks, of course, and drinking moderately can help set a good example for your children of appropriate and responsible alcohol usage. Of course, every year we hear of injuries and fatalities caused by drinking […]

Getting Your Fitness Regimen Back On Track
Now that the holidays are over it’s time to think about fitness. When you have kids it can be hard to make a routine and stick to it. Well, we’re here to help! Here are some ways that you can start a fitness routine this New Year even if you have a bunch of little […]

Today is No Housework Day!
Happy No Housework Day! This is a day set aside to let the dishes pile up, to not take out the garbage, and to just let the dirty laundry sit there in the hamper. As any mom knows, actually taking a day off from all housework is just going to lead to mass mayhem and […]

Getting Organized in 2013: Taming the Paper Monster
If there’s one thing that tends to pile up around my house, it’s paper. The kids bring home permission slips and drawings and math review sheets, the mailman keeps bringing bills and ads, and we get handed everything from church bulletins to flyers advertising free kitten and puppy vaccines to business cards of landscapers (we […]

How to Lose Weight in 2013
With 2013 starting in just a few days, chances are that you’re thinking hard about your new year’s resolutions! Whether you’re one of the few that actually stick to them or, like most of us, you forget about your resolution by the beginning of February, setting goals for the year is something that the majority […]

Keeping Kids’ Clothing in Good Condition
You know how quickly kids outgrow their clothing, as well as how expensive it can be. If you have more than one child, particularly if they’re the same sex, it’s nice to hand items down from older to younger. In my circle of friends, we also tend to pass used clothing along to the younger […]

Moms’ Night Out: Scrapbooking!
What mom doesn’t love a night out with the girls? Sometimes it can be hard to get away, whether it’s because you have a nursing baby, or because you feel guilty about all of the things you have to do at home, or because you don’t really have the money to spend on drinks and […]

Choosing a Winter Coat
Hard as it may be to believe, the winter months will be here before we know it. And if your winter coat is looking a little threadbare, the impending arrival of winter may mean that it’s time for you to shop for a new winter coat. Because a good winter coat is normally more expensive […]