Category: Food

Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes
On Thanksgiving morning, it’s traditional in my home for the kids to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television while my husband and I scramble around getting everything ready. This year, though, I think I might involve my pre-teens and teenager in the preparations. Even little kids like to help out in the kitchen, […]

November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
Did you know that the month of November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month? Americans love their peanut butter, and it is estimated that as a country, we’ll consume over 65 million pounds of it during the month of November alone. The first patent for peanut butter, which went to Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, was applied […]

World Food Day: Feed the Hungry
October 16th is World Food Day. World Food Day was established in 1979 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. October 16th was chosen as the annual date of World Food Day to commemorate the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization on that date in 1945. Beginning in 191, the Food […]

Picnic Food Safety: Avoiding Food Poisoning
Picnics and barbecues are a common and fun way to celebrate Labor Day and bid a fond farewell to summer time. Unfortunately, picnics and barbecues are also a common source of food poisoning. Improper food safety techniques combined with the limitations of outdoor cooking and eating sometimes lead to some very unhappy campers after the […]

All About Organic Foods
It often falls to mom to take charge of the family’s health, and one major way you do that is by shopping for healthier food. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to tell what will give you the most health benefits for your dollar. Organic food is often a point of confusion. For a long […]

What’s Really in Your Child’s Juice?
It’s common to see a toddler or preschooler holding a cup filled with apple or grape juice; kids naturally like the sweet juice, and parents feel good about giving them a product made from fruit, particularly one that says “100% Juice” or “No Added Sugar.” Is it a good idea to let kids drink juice […]

July 13th is Cow Appreciation Day!
One of my family’s favorite places to eat is Chick-Fil-A. Since we’re originally from the northeast, where Chick-Fil-As aren’t as common, we weren’t familiar with the chain when we moved to the South. I see that there are a few scattered around in Massachusetts, New York and New Hampshire, though, so if you’re from New […]

I Scream, You Scream
What better way to commemorate start of summer than with an ice cream social? Ice cream is the perennial summertime favorite for kids of all ages (including grown-up kids), and an ice cream party is fun and easy. Gather up your kids’ closest friends, and enjoy an afternoon or evening gorging on ice cream. Here […]

Is There Such a Thing as Bad Chocolate?
If you’re anything like me, you know that the answer to the above question is an unequivocal no! No, all chocolate is good, right? Well, unless it is a matter of giving chocolate to our kids… then it’s not so good. Not so good for teeth or sugar and fat consumption. And chocolate does contain […]

Healthy Family Snacks for Game time
Sunday is family night for us. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and close friends all come together for football. Of course, on the night of the biggest game of the year the food and the parting is even bigger! In the last couple of weeks we have been adjusting our diet choices quite a bit and are […]