Category: Food

Beer At Your Local Fast Food Restaurant?
USA Today reported that Sonic Restaurants will be adding 10 varieties of wine, 25 types of bottled beer and 3 draft beers to their menus, beginning in South Florida. Sonic stated their reasoning was to increase evening business. They are not the first fast food chain to jump into selling alcoholic beverages. Burger King opened […]

Your Salad is Making you Fat
Ok, so if you spend all week behaving and eating a salad for lunch week after week without any noticeable weight loss it might be because your salad is not as healthy as you think. Yeah it is shocking to find out that sometimes it is less fat and calories to have a hamburger than […]

1 in 5 Children are Obese
Here is a scary statistic – one in five children is obese in the United States. A new report by the Institute of Medicine, which is an independent, nonprofit organization has some great advice for not only parents but our government. This report includes advice on kids’ nutrition, physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Of course, […]

Picnic Food Safety Tips
It’s officially summer, and temperatures are hot throughout the U.S. Summer weekends are synonymous with bbq’s and picnics, but are you taking the recommended precautions to keep your food safe? Microorganisms love to grown in hot weather, and develop quickly. Here are 7 tips to follow when planning to eat outside.
1. Keep perishable food on […]

Skinny Girl Margarita Review
The popularity of Bravo reality star, Bethenny Frankel, has helped put her new product, Skinny Girl Margarita on shelves all over the country. Bethenny is appealing to many, because she is a mess…she is in therapy, struggles to balance being a mother and wife with running a business and has frequent nervous breakdowns in front […]

Family Picnic Tips
Last weekend we were grilling burgers near the beach, and I could not believe how many flies were around. For some reason I thought if we were close to salt water that there would be less pests in South Florida, but that is clearly not the case. The good news is that there are some […]

Whole Foods Blueberry Sale
Today only Whole Foods is having a huge blueberry sale! Each pint of organic blueberries from Whole Foods is $1.99! If you have been buying blueberries lately you know that is a great price. They also have blueberry pie and blueberry cornbread on sale – YUMMY! We are going to have our blueberries with ice […]

Treat it Forward
I’ll be honest, we don’t eat fast food at all really but I felt that it was important to spread the word about something that Wendy’s is doing. This Father’s Day Weekend Wendy’s “treating it forward”. What this means is that for every Frosty bought at Wendy’s this fathers day weekend they will donate 50 […]

Cleaning your Reusable Bags
How often do you wash your reusable bags? It is amazing that so few people wash even think to wash their reusable grocery bags. A recent study found that many bags have E. coli, bacteria, mold, yeast and even some more disgusting things like worms in them. Yuck! It is important to treat your bags […]

Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides 2011
The Environmental Working Group have just updated their Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides. This is a great guide to keep with you as you go food shopping. Can you happen to guess what produce item has the most pesticide residues when grown conventionally? When tested 98% of all apples has pesticide in them even though they […]