Category: Food

Prepacked School Lunches are Unsafe
Is your child’s lunch safe to eat? Most of us are in full swing and getting ready for back to school. A report that caught my attention last week was a report on packed school lunches. Many school lunches packed at home reach an unsafe temperature by the time your child eats it. A new […]

How to Get Rid of Bad Smells in the kitchen
Unwanted odor coming from your garbage disposal? Take a few cubes of ice and a used piece of lemon with the peel and that should do the trick. The oils from the fruit clean the walls inside the disposal, while the ice cleans the blades. For stubborn odors add a few tablespoons of baking soda […]

Best store bought Hummus
Hummus is a delicious and nutritious snack option. Hummus is made by combining chick peas, lemon juice, garlic and tahini (a sesame-seed paste.) It’s packed with protein and fiber, and can be low in fat if you pick the right brand. Remember however that low fat doesn’t always mean big taste.
The best value for pre-package […]

Meatless Monday Recipe for Halibut
It’s meatless monday and we are trying to figure out what to have tonight. It is a constant battle to get the kids to eat more fish so we are always on the look out for family friendly fish recipes. According to the new Food Pyramid we need to be eating fish once a week […]

Skimming Soups
Homemade soups and some meat dishes like braised short ribs, can contain a lot of grease. You can of course cool it and wait until the fat bunches up at the top – but what if you want to eat it the same day? Here’s a trick. Take a metal ladle and fill it with […]

Meatless Mondays Movement
Have you heard of this new trend to make at least one meal a week meatless? I am a big fan of the Environmental Working Group and I have seen many Meatless Monday campaigns as part of the organic community. We all have to be more aware of how our food choices impact the planet. […]

Homemade Facial Masks
We spent most of our day at the beach today and came back with very dry skin because of the salt. The kids and I wanted to use something to reduce the itchiness of our skin so we went to the store. We checked at a few stores and realized that there are not any […]

Swallowing Gum Myths
Is it true that if your child swallows a piece of gum, it will take 7 years to digest? This is a myth. Some of the ingredients in gum are digestible. The part of the gum or anything else that is consumed that is indigestible, will pass through the gastrointestinal tract and be released by […]

Grocery Lists Save Time and Money
There are lots of reasons to plan a grocery list. First of all by having a list, you avoid impulse buys or buying more than you really need. As a matter of fact, check through your freezer and pantry first before starting your next week’s grocery list and try to meals around items you already […]

Entertaining with Cheese
Cheese is a simple & delicious appetizer for any get together. Start off with selecting your cheese. You will want to serve three to five different types of cheeses for variety. Pick cheese that are contrasting in texture and taste. For example if you pick a firm cheese, then have a creamy one as well. […]