Tips for Keeping your Family on time

| October 9, 2013 | 1 Comment

kids holding clocksDo you have a problem arriving on time? Keeping your family on schedule can most certainly be a challenge; however, with a few helpful tips and suggestions, you will find that facilitating a good morning schedule can be very beneficial to your family.

  • The first key to keeping your family on schedule is embracing a good routine. Everyday it is the same mad dash to get out of the house. The first step in having a good morning routine is to keep a good evening routine, as well. Evening preparation gives a wonderful head start to a morning that will run smoothly and efficiently. If they are old enough, have your children pick out their outfits for the next day; for younger children, help them pick out what they will be wearing. It is also helpful if younger children can bathe in the evening, eliminating the stress of every family member needing to bathe/shower at the same time every day. Bathing in the evening is also a relaxing way to end the day and prepare younger ones for a good night’s rest. It is important to get to bed at the same time each night, ensuring an adequate amount of sleep. Waking up and getting ready for your day is much easier when you are well rested.
  • Try to make your morning routine as fun as possible. Now, this sounds easier said than done but if there is extra time in the morning this can run smoothly. Have your child’s alarm clock set to something cheery or put on a favorite morning time CD. This enables your family to start their day in a relaxing, non-stressful way. Keeping a positive attitude is also key. Try to make getting ready as fun and enjoyable as possible. Charts work well for some children, showing them a list of what needs to be accomplished in their morning routine. Older children can often help out by assisting younger siblings with packing lunches, tying shoes, or brushing teeth. Working together as a family team is fun and shows the importance of cooperation and helping others.
  • Ask younger children questions such as: I wonder what your friends are doing now? Do you think they are eating breakfast, too? Maybe they are getting ready to brush their teeth? This is a fun way to teach your children that everyone, including their friends, participates in a morning routine. Children should be rewarded for their efforts; for example, explain that if everyone can get ready and to school on time this week, they will be surprised with a favorite breakfast or can leave a little early on Fridays to stop off at a favorite pastry shop.

It is highly beneficial to teach children the importance of being on time. Explain that when we arrive on time it shows we are being considerate of others who are waiting for us. It is always polite to arrive on time and shows that we are doing our best to be respectful and courteous to others.

Teaching the benefits of a good routine will help our children now and certainly in the years to come. Good Luck!

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  1. Tina says:

    This is always a struggle in our house with 3 under 5! Thanks for the info!!

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