Category: Safety

January is Bath Safety Month
January is Bath Safety Month, and even if you think that your kids are too old to worry about drowning in the bath tub, there are some things that you may need to know. Most bathroom injuries have to do with slipping and falling, not drowning. No matter how old you (or your kids) are, […]

Winter Safety Tips
Winter weather may have kicked into full gear where you are, or you may have another few mild weeks before the coldest part of the year arrives. My family lives in Florida now, so we don’t need to worry too much about ice, snow and freezing temperatures except for the years that we go “home” […]

Toddlerproofing During the Holidays
This is the time of year when company is coming and going, new decorations are out in full view and you might be visiting relatives. To your toddler, this is extremely exciting, and her curiosity is probably piqued. While you know what she tends to get into at your home on a normal day, you […]

Beach First Aid Tips
Although beach season is ending for much of the country, going to the beach is becoming more popular in Florida and other warm areas: The tourists have gone home until the wintertime season picks up, and the weather is finally tolerable! My family was at the beach recently when I was stung by a sting […]

Picnic Food Safety: Avoiding Food Poisoning
Picnics and barbecues are a common and fun way to celebrate Labor Day and bid a fond farewell to summer time. Unfortunately, picnics and barbecues are also a common source of food poisoning. Improper food safety techniques combined with the limitations of outdoor cooking and eating sometimes lead to some very unhappy campers after the […]

School Bus Safety Tips
When my son was about to start kindergarten, I remember being very worried about the school bus. Although 23 million kids take a big yellow bus to school every year, I was concerned that my little five-year-old would get lost in the shuffle, might get bullied, or might fall out of his seat! After all, […]