Category: Family Life

Coupon Insert Jackpot
Jackpot! There will be 4 inserts in this Sundays paper. 1 from Red plum, 1 from Proctor & Gamble and 1 from Smart Source. You’ll find lots of savings offers on popular products including Tide, Swiffer, Secret, Bounty, Crest, Downy, Oral B, Pampers and General Mills.
If you’re a fan of Red Lobster, you will also […]

Baby Names: From Wacky to Illegal
Here in the U.S., you can name your baby just about anything, but governments in other countries have made it illegal to choose certain names. Sweden has had the law in place since 1982. Initially it was a small list, intended to stop people from naming their children after royalty, however changes have been made to the […]

Dry Cleaning and Allergies
Researchers have found a direct link to dry cleaning and allergies, among other things. You may have no choice but to dry clean some of your expensive or delicate clothes, however there are things you can do to minimize your families exposure. Use only dry cleaners that have stopped using either trichloroethylene or perchloroethelyene, which […]

Family Vegetable Gardening
Vegetable gardening is a great hobby for the entire family. Not only will everyone eat healthier and spend quality time together, but there are lots of life’s lessons to be learned. Children will learn responsibility in watering the plants regularly, patience while waiting for the vegetables to grow, and then a sense of accomplishment when picking the vegetables […]

Summer Movie Discounts
Looking to get out of the heat or does the rain have you trapped in the house. Here are some major national movie theaters and the programs that they offer for kids over the summer. Regal Cinemas is offering $1 movies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. on select G or PG films now […]

Firework Safety Tips for Kids
It is estimated that in 2010, about 8,600 people were treated in emergency rooms due to firework injuries, and children under the age of 15 made up about 40% of those injured, so here are some tips to keep your kids safe during the 4th of July Holiday.
· Never allow children light the fireworks themselves, […]

Free Admission to a Museum
July 2 and 3rd Bank of America cardholders (either debit card or credit card) get Free Admission on a museum.This offer is actually available the first full weekend of every month. Your Bank of America or Merrill Lynch card get each cardholder a ticket.
Find participating museums near you here

Free Kids Workshop
Home Depot offers free 3 hour workshops on the first Saturday of every month, year round for children ages 5 to 12. Since its inception in 1997, 17.5 million projects have been built at the Kids Workshops. The workshops teach skills on building and safety, and is a great opportunity for children to share time […]

Protecting Kids and Photos on Facebook
If you use Facebook I am sure you or your child’s picture has been tagged and you really wish that it would not be there for everyone to see. This is a new digital world we live in an there are things that we have to deal with as parents that our parents did not. […]

Date Night when is the last time u had one?
Date Night? Do you have them? My husband and I just had an impromptu date night last week and it was great! We were both at the end of a very stressful week and we went out to a nice quite dinner together. All week long we just go through the motions and especially now […]