Category: Family Life

Help with Spelling Advice from a Teacher
The after school chaos is a common occurrence in my house! I am always looking to find ways to streamline some things in our house so that we have time for fun things! Here is what usually happens “Mommy, Mommy, I need help with my spelling – oh yeah I have a test tomorrow”. So […]

October Movies for Families
Whether you want to go to the movies, rent or buy them, here is a list of Family Friendly Movies for this October.
Real Steel
October 7th:
If your boys (or men) like Transformers, Real Steel promises to be a robot movie full of action, but with heart. Amidst the action and fighting scenes, Hugh Jackman’s character, Charlie struggles […]

Fall Allergy Season
Just because the flowers are no longer in bloom, doesn’t mean allergy sufferers are in the clear. The cooler air and wind can stir things up, particularly ragweed. Ragweed can travel hundreds of mile so it can affect you even if it doesn’t grow nearby. Other common causes of fall allergies are mold and dust […]

Selling Your Used Clothing at Consignment Shops
A popular trend in the past few years is selling your gently used clothes at consignment shops and retailers like Plato’s Closet and Clothes Mentor. Clothing consignment shops make the selling of your unwanted clothes easy and convenient. We took in an $85 pair of Hollister jeans in excellent condition and got only $16 for […]

Keeping Your Family Safe
This morning I got an email from a friend that basically was a warning from the police department to be on alert. There has been an increase of bump-and-rob events in our area. This is when a driver is bumped from behind and when they stop because of the bump they are robbed. As I […]

Joining the Scouts
Scouting – My adventures in being a part of the Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts….
It’s official, we are now a girl and boy scouting family! The differences are pretty significant even from only one meeting with my son’s den. I was a girl scout myself and have been an assistant to the leaders for my […]

Lion King 3D Family Movie Night
Make it a Disney Family Movie night or a Date Night…..”The Lion King”….is now in 3D!!!
Simba, Nala, Scar and others are back in the 1994 Disney Oscar winning film. This time its big screen release is now in 3-D. CNN reports that the first weekend box office totals were $29.3 million. This just proves the […]

More Fears as the Stock Market and Economy Plunge
Here we go again! Turn on the news and one of the top stories will yet again be about the economy and the stock market plunge that has been taking place the last couple of days. I know, I know you are probably wondering what does the market have to do with me, I don’t […]

Kids Worrying About Money
We are all living though one of the worst economies on record. There is article after article written about poverty levels on the rise all around us. Today, families make up 32% of the nations overall homeless population as reported by the National Center on Family Homelessness. It would be naive to think that our […]