Category: Family Life

Holiday Shopping on a Budget
Learning to shop online is the first step in saving money this holiday season. Using the power of search engines, you can search for a specific product and be given results of various stores that sell it in a matter of seconds. By doing this, you are able to comparison shop from the comfort of […]

Speech Milestones My Child is not talking yet?
Why Some Children Are Slow to Talk?
As mothers it seems like there is always something to worry about…. Ok, so maybe I should rephrase this; there is always something that we need to be on the lookout for. One of the most important is your child’s speech and language skills. A child’s first communication skill […]

Flu Shot What to do this Season
The Flu Shot or Not?
When the winter season approaches, many people are faced with many tough decisions. One of those decisions is whether or not to get the flu shot for themselves and their family. The flu is an infectious virus that affects millions of people each year. It is characterized by body aches, fever, […]

Separation Anxiety How to Deal with it
As your child’s first birthday rapidly approaches you tend to notice not only physical changes, but more importantly his/her personality. The things you used to do in the past like (use the restroom while in their swing, or change the load of laundry while they sit in the play saucer) becomes quite trouble-some. Your child’s […]

Stroller Brigades Push a Stroller Change the World
Push A Stroller Change The World
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 stroller brigades of parents and caregivers will take to the streets in eleven states to show their support for the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011. The Act is meant to overhaul the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) which essentially created a safe-until-proven-dangerous attitude towards […]

Toxic Chemicals In Baby Shampoo ?
Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs you will ever take on. You are constantly worrying and doing everything in
your power to keep your child healthy and safe. So, recent news about how the baby shampoo you bought, used and trusted to be safe is now found to be TOXIC is angering millions […]

Funny Things Kids Say
“Mom, which kind of cereal kills you?”
This was the question called out to me from the back seat this morning. For the life of me I cannot think of what they were watching before we left the house on tv that brought on this conversation. I cannot imagine it came from the animated feature film […]

World Population Hits 7 Billion
Statistics show that the world population reached 7 billion on October 31st. With such a large number of living civilians, how did we get here? It took us approximately 50,000 years to reach 1 billion world population back in 1800 and another 130 years to double the population to 2 billion in 1930. It only […]

Braces for Kids When Should they get them?
I realize that most of you aren’t even close to having to worry about getting braces for your kids so you may not need this article, but things have changed in the world of braces. Today is a big day in our home! My nine year old is getting braces. Nine years old you say? […]

Head Lice Treatment and Prevention
All about Lice
The official estimate of yearly cases of people contracting Lice is between 6 and 12 million people. Of those numbers, approximately 98% of them are children under the age of 10. Head Lice are denied in many quarters as pesky little six legged insects, that predominantly act as a nuisance to humans. Their […]