Category: Family Life

Safety First – Tips for Baby Proofing Your Home
We recently had friends come to stay with us for a few days. One of our house guests was an adorable 18-month-old. Since my own kids are big, I hadn’t been in the toddler-proofing state of mind for quite some time, so I had to really think about how to make the house safe for […]

Choosing the right Pet for your Family
When my kids were toddlers, we found a stray kitten outside. It was a teeny tiny, pitiful little thing, and I had to bottle feed him for a few days before he was able to eat softened food. The poor kitty was so grateful to have been taken in off of the streets, that he […]

Bargaining or Bribery Where do you Draw the Line with your Children
Picky eaters, stubborn kids….you name it parents truly have the stories to share about their little ones. As we all venture down this parental journey, it’s important that we don’t loose sight on the “big picture.” It does not matter if you’re married, divorced, single parent or just the baby sitter sometimes we find ourselves […]

America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right On The Money
I’m always on the lookout for books to help me out in this whole parenting/budgeting thing. Kids are expensive! No sooner do you buy them clothes, than they outgrow them. They need school supplies every year, and when they reach a certain age they want an allowance**. On top of the routine things that we […]

Finding Freebies When It’s Frigid
know that during the summer, when the kids get antsy, I send them out to run under the sprinklers, take them to the beach, go to the park, visit a friend with a pool, and the list goes on. There are often free or low-cost summer programs for kids. If you live in the northern […]

Tips for Getting your Family back in a routine after Winter Break
I remember being a kid and looking forward to getting a long break from school for the holidays! As a parent it is amazing how different we look at time off from school, not so excited to say the least. It such a hectic time but we look forward to the family get togethers and […]

Ideas from a Home School Mom for educational fun
Bust Winter Break Boredom With Back To Basics Games
Winter break can be a frustrating time for parents, in spite of all the excitement of the holidays. This year there winter break is close to three weeks long and we are running out of fun things to do! Once the wrapping paper is put away, and […]

Tips to Organize your Family, Home and Life
Getting Your Family Organized in 2012
It’s a New Year and a great time to start thinking about getting yourself organized — setting your personal, educational, and work goals. If you have children, then getting organized will present a special challenge. Perhaps this would be a good time to have them organize their rooms. And this […]

Fun Things to do With Kids During Winter Break
Winter is a time of excitement, celebration, and wonder, but it can also be a stressful and difficult time. This is particularly true for parents. When kids are home for winter break, it can be hard to keep them occupied without falling back on letting TV babysit. Even though there are new toys from the […]

CPR Training for peace of mind
Due to the upcoming girl scout camping trip, the leaders, including myself, were required to update their CPR certification. I was lucky enough to know a family friend who has a business in this field. I set up a small class with her and we met up to refresh our previous training. I was amazed […]