Category: Family Life

Preparing for Fall Vegetable Gardening
We live in South Florida, and the heat and humidity in July and August are awful. However I love my vegetable garden, so after picking all the veggies in June I wanted to find ways to stay busy in the summer. I have found that at least certain herbs thrive despite the heat, including basil, […]

Summertime Enrichment that is Budget Friendly
Now that school is over for the year, your kids have a lot of time on their hands. Without the day-to-day interaction with peers that they have during the school year, they will likely be complaining of boredom after the novelty of sleeping in and lounging around the house wears off. With friends going on […]

Money-Saving Tips for Spring
If you live in a cold climate, you are probably feeling the relief that accompanies a lower heating bill now that spring is here. On the other hand, if you live where the mercury is rapidly rising, your air conditioning bills may be starting to increase as well – I know mine are! Spring brings […]

Things to Do on Spring Break at Home
Some school districts have spring break in March and others in April. Unfortunately, with the many snow storms so far this year, they have been wreaking havoc across the northeast; some school districts closed for a week in February and will be losing their spring breaks! If this is the case for you, you might […]

Tips for Saving Money on Gas
The increase in gas prices seems like it will be around for quite a while. So how can you prepare yourself and your families budget for the months to come? The national average for a regular tank of gas has hit an all-time record and prices are going up daily. With the way prices are […]

Teaching Kids to Cook: Easy Foods to Start With
Do your kids like to cook? Do they know how to make anything? My daughter is nine and I was surprised to learn that her best friend, also nine, does not know how to cook anything at all. I asked her mom about it (she’s a close friend of mine) and she said that she […]

Small Changes Count: Ways to Save Money
If you’re trying to save up for a vacation, a needed appliance or just to pad your bank account, you might feel overwhelmed. Particularly when there is still some month left at the end of the money, the thought of putting aside a large chunk of change on a regular basis might seem huge! When […]

New Years Good Luck Traditions and Superstitions
Tradition vs. Superstition vs. Bringing in the New Year with Inspiration
Happy New Year! Ok, on to the reason you came here which is for New Year’s traditions and superstition information! Sources of inspiration or predominant offshoots of traditional idealism; either way one believes, bringing in the New Year with a source of inspiration is a […]

Ideas for Celebrating New Year’s Eve as a Family
Having a Fun New Year’s Eve With the Family
Once we have children, our lives certainly aren’t the same. Between nap schedules, early bed times and plenty of tantrums, children make going out for holidays much harder and often have us wanting to just stay home instead of going out.
Now, with New Year’s coming up, it’s […]

October 16 is Dictionary Day!
October 16th is Dictionary Day. It was designated as Dictionary Day because it is the birthday of Noah Webster, who you may recognize as the man who gave us Webster’s Dictionary. It is to Noah Webster that we owe the standardized American spellings of words that we’re familiar with (for example “color” as opposed to […]