Category: Family Life

Safety Accessories For Your Child’s New Bike
With springtime looming, we’ve been talking a bit about choosing and buying a bike for your child. If you can’t tell we are ready and waiting for the weather to get better so we can try out our new bikes! If you missed out series of articles here they are, Bicycle Shopping Guide for Families […]

Protecting Your Child’s Identity
As I was getting ready for work this morning an interesting news clip on the television caught my attention. The news report spoke about the increased number of reports coming in from the IRS about children’s identity theft (especially in babies). The report also shared that parents usually don’t know of any problems until tax […]

Bringing out the Mad Scientist in Your Child
As parents we have the power to steer our children’s minds in the direction of being closed or open minded to new things. We are their first foundation to view the world. They pick up our expressions and feeling s of excitement from us. They can also feel and read our negative energy levels. What […]

Keeping busy during President’s Day Weekend
In some parts of the country, kids have an end-of-winter break in February. You might still have snow on the ground, or it might be starting to warm up where you are. Have you thought about planning fun activities for your kids’ week at home? Without the excitement of the winter holidays or the warm […]

Money Matters – Teaching Kids to Spend Wisely
My son had a birthday last month, and he ended up with a pretty big wad of cash for an eleven-year-old. Immediately, he thought of all the things he could now afford to buy: Pokemon cards, Beyblades, a remote control car. Whee, spend, spend, spend! My husband and I glanced at each other. Traditionally, we […]

Teaching Kids to Conserve Natural Resources
Maybe your kids are a lot like mine. They leave lights on when they’re not in the room, forget to shut the refrigerator, leave the door wide open when it’s 90 degrees outside, and take 20-minute showers (usually after arguing over the necessity of a shower to begin with). All of these things are not […]

Family Safety Tips and Advice for your Home
Although it’s been unseasonably warm in some areas of the country, February is a very cold month in many places. Whether you heat with electricity, oil, gas, wood, or a combination of all of these, it’s important to keep your family safe. Any heating system can cause a fire, and any fuel-burning appliance can cause […]

Going without my SmartPhone for a day
Last spring, our family participated in Television Turn Off week. I thought I’d never hear the end of it from the kids, who were not only addicted to iCarly and Spongebob, but also video games on the Xbox and Wii (which were also off-limits, since they can only be used through the television). The first […]

Not So Extreme Couponing
Have you seen TLC’s Extreme Couponing? On the show, shoppers talk about how they stock up on items that they purchase for free or for a few pennies each. Usually these couponers have huge piles of merchandise in closets, under their beds, and in their attics, cellars and garages. They might have 100 tubes of […]

Baby Sleep Training Methods
Need Some Sleep? Let’s just say…I don’t know since about the beginning of the last trimester of pregnancy, you haven’t slept well. Don’t you love it when people walk up to you at 35 weeks pregnant and they ask “How are you feeling?” The first thing that runs through your head is “Like crap thanks!” […]