Category: Family Life

Tips for Streamlining the Family Morning Routine
The most difficult hour of my day are the the one right before the kids get shuffled out the door to their carpool. It’s even more chaotic on the mornings that I drive; while I can wave goodbye to them in my pajamas if necessary, I prefer not to pick up other people’s children while […]

Bunnies, Ducklings and Chicks, Oh My!
It’s that time of year again: the flowers are starting to bloom, Easter is just around the corner, and sweet baby animals are being born and hatching. What could be cuter than a fluffy yellow baby chicken? Or a soft, velvety baby bunny? In the spring, many parents consider getting one of these pets for […]

Keeping Kids Safe Online
When your kids are small, keeping them safe tends to consist of things like keeping tiny Legos off of the floor, covering the electrical outlets and not leaving them unattended in the bathtub. As they grow, though, kids gain more freedom and, as any mom knows, freedom in kids equals concern in parents. Most kids […]

Streamling the Family Schedule
If you’re anything like my best friend’s family, you’re constantly on the go. With two working parents and three active kids, they seem to be running all the time! My friend and her husband are each responsible for dropping off a kid or two at school on their respective drives into work, then the late […]

Budget Friendly Meal Ideas
We’re all feeling the economic pinch these days, and the rising prices at the grocery store aren’t helping matters. I buy almost the same items every week, and our total at the checkout counter has been slowly rising as the months have gone by. One of my goals for 2012 is to reduce our grocery […]

Car Seat Safety Tips
I’ll admit it: I’ve always been a little bit neurotic when it comes to car seat safety. A few years ago, my kids and I were in a rollover car accident, and when the paramedics came to the scene, they told me that if my kids hadn’t been properly secured in their car seats, their […]

Celebrating Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
When I was little, I remember asking my parents, “If Mothers’ Day is in May and Fathers’ Day is in June, when is Kids’ Day?” They chuckled and said, “every day is kids’ day!” At the time I didn’t understand, but as a mom, now I do. Still, though, it has recently come to my […]

Spring Fun for Families
Well, maybe not quite yet, depending on where you live. Still, I have been watching the weather reports, and it looks like spring has come early to many parts of the country. If it’s still cold where you are, chances are that it will warm up quite a bit in the coming weeks, and I’m […]

When to Call the Doctor?
For many of us across the country that calendar says its still winter. However, if you look outside it feels like spring or almost summer. Now, we cannot forget that it’s still cold and flu season. Statistics show that viral and bacterial illnesses increase during the winter when children spend lots of time indoors. Between […]

Random Acts of Kindness
I found out today that a few weeks ago was Random Acts of Kindness Week! I’m disappointed that I missed it, but I’m glad that it was brought to my attention. I remember hearing about random acts of kindness, or RAOKs, when I was in my late teens or early twenties. The premise is that […]