Category: Family Life

Autism: What On Earth Is Going On?
In case you haven’t heard, the number of Autism cases is on the rise. Over the past two decades, there has been an enormous amount of research, social studies, diagnostic tool improvements and an increase in organizations willing to get into the game and help the children and families who struggle with this disorder. So […]

Kids & Sports: The Benefits
We all know how important exercise is for everyone, kids and adults alike. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, kids aged 6 to 17 should get a minimum of one hour of physical activity each day, including aerobic, muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening exercise. That may seem like a lot, but as any mom […]

Celebrating Earth Day 2012
Every year, Earth Day falls on April 22. This year it’s a Sunday, so that gives you the chance to spend time with your kids, observing the day and celebrating in your own way! The point of Earth Day is to raise awareness of environmentally sound practices and to foster good habits. Use this as […]

Developing A Circle of Friends: How Moms Can Help Children with Autism Overcome Social Issues
Imagine this… you have a son who is five years old, in kindergarten, and is at recess. His school mates run around on the playground playing super heroes, four-square and climbing on the jungle gym. Your son is off to the side twirling a leaf and reciting a script he learned from his favorite Sponge […]

Recycled Craft Ideas for Kids
Are your kids anything like mine? We go through reams of copy paper, economy-sized packages of construction paper and miles of posterboard. I feel like we’re constantly buying crayons, markers, pom-poms, sequins, glue, tape and other arts-and-crafts items. They just love to create, which is wonderful! We have tons of sparkly sculptured doodads decorating various […]

Family Water Safety Guide
The last of the snow may be melting where you are, but the mercury will be rising soon, and with higher temperatures comes the desire to spend the days of summer lounging by the pool, splashing in the surf and wading in nearby lakes. Although water play is a great way to bond as a […]

Quick and Easy Family Dinner Ideas
Once we set the clocks ahead and enjoy the sun into the evening hours, I no longer feel like spending an hour or more in the kitchen, cooking. Do you experience the same phenomenon at your house? Everyone is outside having fun, and we often don’t eat until 7:00 during the warmer months; the last […]

Myths about Work At Home Moms
If you’re active in web forums or mommy discussion boards, you probably know that the acronym WAHM stands for “work-at-home mom.” While all moms work at home (is diaper-changing, toilet-scrubbing, dinner-cooking and fight-breaking-up child’s play?), some moms choose to make their home the place where they work for pay. As a WAHM myself, I’m often […]

Autism: Should I Worry?
“Is my child Autistic?”
Many parents these days are asking themselves that question. Most of us know someone, or are related to someone who has Autism. The gnawing fear that your child might have Autism may very well be in the back of your subconscious thoughts right now.
I’ll never forget the day I had that thought […]

April Fool’s jokes over the years
April Fool’s Day is here! Our family has had a few fun adventures on this day. There was the year that my brother and his wife announced her new pregnancy; we thought it was a joke, but it turned out to be true! We still laugh about that, and my niece is four years old. […]