Category: Family Life

Elementary School Graduation: Making it Memorable
As I’m finding out with my own pre-teen, the move from elementary to middle school is an enormous milestone. My graduating fifth grader is going from being one of the big kids on campus to a low man on the totem pole… it’s one of his first steps on the bridge that links childhood and […]

Helping Kids Manage their Stress
Between homework, high-stakes testing, extracurricular activities, peer pressure and all of the other things that kids have to deal with, it’s little wonder that some kids are stressed out! Some stress is good, of course, as it teaches kids how to deal with responsibility, commitment, hard work and the other rigors of life. Sometimes, though, […]

Choosing the Right Summer Camp
As summer rapidly approaches, it’s time to consider activities to keep the kids busy and entertained while school is out. While they’ve certainly earned some time to rest and relax over the summer, it’s important that they stay active and avoid spending too much time vegging in front of the TV or computer. At some […]

Making the Most of the Home Stretch
We’re into the home stretch of the school year, and the kids are getting antsy… it’s almost time for summer vacation, after all! Still, don’t let them drop the ball quite yet! They still have at least a few weeks left of school, depending on where you live. Use some of these tips to help […]

TIME Magazine and The Mommy Wars
Happy Mother’s Day! By now you probably have heard about the new article by Time Magazine if not here is a recap. With the recent issue of TIME Magazine hitting newsstands this week and inciting a variety of responses from bloggers and Internet news sites, chances are, you’ve seen the provocative cover of a mom […]

Outdoor Ideas for Hot-Weather Fun
I know that for a few weeks now, my kids have been complaining that it’s too hot to play outside. It might not be quite as hot where you are, but chances are, the temps will be rising pretty quickly over the next few weeks and months. If you feel like getting your kids to […]

Inspiring Kids to Do Chores
My kids do chores, but I’ll admit it: They’re not always happy about it. It’s a matter of habit for my son to unload the dishwasher, for my daughter to take out the recycling and for each of them to take turns cleaning their bathroom and taking care of the kitty’s litter box, but they […]

Helping With The Stress of School Tests
Whether it is state standardized testing or end of the year finals, school tests are inevitable. With each test comes a lot of stress, worry and anxiety for many children and their families. In some states a student’s score can result in pass or fail of their grade level.
Not to date myself, but I will…I […]

Let’s Play – Ideas For Creating Your Own Playgroup
Spring fever is in the air and it’s time to put away those winter sweaters and pull out your shorts, flip flops and swim suits. The sunshine and warm weather screams fun for both children and parents of all ages. Now for stay at home moms and dads it’s time to reach out to your […]

Kids & Sports: What to Watch Out For
Recently, we talked about the benefits of kids participating in sports. Regular exercise is important for physical, emotional and social health, and taking part in a team or individual sport provides opportunity for exercise. Although the benefits of sports usually outweigh the drawbacks, there are some considerations that you should keep in mind in order […]