Category: Family Life

Kids’ Activities and Games: Mere Child’s Play?
Now that summer is here, the kids are home most of the time and I’m noticing what types of games and diversions they tend to gravitate toward. When they were little, I was usually able to see the value in their games; things like building with blocks, acting out scenes with Little People figurines and […]

Getting More Out of Your Trip to the Zoo
Are you planning a trip to the zoo anytime soon? If not, you should think about it. The zoo is a great way to spend a day with your kids – its fun, it’s educational, and there’s something there for everyone. If you are planning a trip to the zoo, you should take steps to […]

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere
All of my children’s birthdays are special, but I always feel especially motivated to make my daughter’s summer birthday something out of the ordinary. Summer birthday parties can be harder to arrange with the kids out of school and families on vacation, so I’m inclined to go the extra mile to make the party stand […]

The First Sleepover: Is Your Child Ready? Are You?
Do you remember going on sleepovers as a kid? They were the bane of my mother’s existence when I was 10 or 11 years old; if I wasn’t staying up all night at someone else’s house on the weekends, chances were that there were a gaggle of giggling girls disturbing her sleep! Then the next […]

Teaching Kids to Cook
When I moved out of my childhood home and into my own apartment, I knew how to make a few dishes, namely instant oatmeal, baked chicken legs, spaghetti (with sauce from a jar), scrambled eggs, and hot dogs. Not exactly gourmet fare, but it was enough so that I didn’t starve. As the years went […]

Home Remedies for Every Parent
Cold and flu season is over, thankfully, but even with the kids home from school, they’ll still probably end up with a summer cold, a stomach virus or an ear infection. While very young children should see the doctor if you suspect illness, your school-aged kids can often be nursed back to health with simple […]

Family Boating Safety Tips
As the mercury rises, those of us lucky enough to live near an ocean, river or lake may decide to take the kids boating. You already know safety tips such as making sure everyone is wearing a life jacket (even the best swimmers!) and that drinking and driving a boat don’t mix. There are a […]

Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads’ and granddads’ out there !
I especially want to thank my dad for being such a wonderful and strong influence in my life. He always encouraged us to be anything we wanted and of course to “pay attention to what you are doing”! He taught me how to drive […]

Mothering via Pinterest
Are you on Pinterest? I didn’t understand the hype until a friend sent me an invite, but wow, I sure do now! It’s easy to spend hours checking out all of the pins. The friend who invited me warned me that the site was addictive, and she was right. From home decorating ideas to cool […]