Category: Family Life

All About Organic Foods
It often falls to mom to take charge of the family’s health, and one major way you do that is by shopping for healthier food. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to tell what will give you the most health benefits for your dollar. Organic food is often a point of confusion. For a long […]

The Scoop on School Uniforms
Last year, my family and I switched our kids to a new K-8 charter school. The benefits were great, but the school requires all students to wear school uniforms, which was something that we’d never dealt with before. My husband and I were apprehensive. My elementary-schooler was upset at the idea of not being able […]

Preparing for Kindergarten
Now that preschool is out for the summer, you might be wondering how you can best prepare your soon-to-be kindergartener for the challenges that await her once she starts “big kid school.” Today’s kindergarteners are expected to know so much more than they were when we were children; I’ve heard it said that kindergarten is […]

FLYing and Getting Control of Your Clutter
I don’t know about your house, but my house often falls into a state of disorganization. By the middle of the summer, I’m completely out of my cleaning routine, and the kids have been here all day, every day making messes! We recently had houseguests, and as I scrambled around giving everything a lick and […]

2012 Sales Tax Holiday
Is the 2012 Sales Tax Holiday happening in a state near you? We have up-to-date information!
2012 Sales Tax Holiday in Ten U.S. States – August 3-5, 2012
Back to school Tax Free Weekend starts today in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. This three day tax exemption starts […]

What’s Really in Your Child’s Juice?
It’s common to see a toddler or preschooler holding a cup filled with apple or grape juice; kids naturally like the sweet juice, and parents feel good about giving them a product made from fruit, particularly one that says “100% Juice” or “No Added Sugar.” Is it a good idea to let kids drink juice […]

Family-Friendly Movies for Summer 2012
A movie is an easy, entertaining, and indoor way to fill a few hours of a long summer day. You can make a day of it and spend some time out of the house at the theater, or pop some popcorn and rent a DVD to watch at home for a relaxing, low-key treat. Either […]

Child Abduction: Facts and Strategies
You probably remember reading about Lenore Skenazy a few years ago. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, she was the mom who let her nine-year-old take a New York City subway home from a department store in the city. She’s also the author of Free Range Kids, a book that touts the benefits of […]

July 13th is Cow Appreciation Day!
One of my family’s favorite places to eat is Chick-Fil-A. Since we’re originally from the northeast, where Chick-Fil-As aren’t as common, we weren’t familiar with the chain when we moved to the South. I see that there are a few scattered around in Massachusetts, New York and New Hampshire, though, so if you’re from New […]

Family Portrait: Strategies for Success
Everyone wants a beautiful family portrait, but getting each family member to cooperate sometimes seems impossible. Anyone who’s ever had small children knows how difficult it is to keep them clean and sitting still, even for a few minutes. If you have older children, the difficulty may be in getting them to look happy and […]