Category: Family Life

Spring Cleaning Checklist
There’s something about the fresh spring air and sunshine that inspires us all to throw open the windows and beat, scrub and wash wintertime’s dinginess away, isn’t there? Our mothers probably did this and called it spring cleaning. Now that I’m a mom myself, it tends to be one more thing to add to my […]

February is Black History Month
During the month of February, your child may be spending time in school learning about Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, George Washington Carver, and other notable African Americans that have impacted our country’s history. You can help cement your child’s understanding of the issues of racism in the United States by talking at home […]

Favorite Holiday Movies for the Family
With the wind blowing and the snow falling, December is a great month for snuggling in with the family for frequent movie nights or marathon afternoons! December is the time that all of the holiday classics play, so you might just be able to watch what’s already playing on television. Otherwise, you can always hit […]

December is Write a Friend a Letter Month
December is often seen as a time to connect with old friends and faraway family members. It’s cold in many areas of the country, and of course several holidays fall within the course of the month. Did you know that December is designated as Write-a-Friend-a-Letter Month? Since people tend to batten down the hatches and […]

Learning with Candy fun creative ways to teach
Well, much to my surprise the holiday season is already in full swing…. Ah what? Yes, this afternoon I walked into a girls’ clothing store shopping for my niece’s birthday present and heard Christmas music. Ah!!!! It’s only early November and I still have bags of Halloween trick-or-treat candy around the house. The only thought […]

Fun Fall Family Activities
With chilly temperatures starting to settle over much of the United States, you may find yourself looking for ways to spend the cozy weekends in the months ahead. Here are some fun things to do on your kids’ days off during the months of October and November:
Go apple-picking. You can spend a cool morning in […]

Supporting Your Student’s High School Activities
If you are the parent of a high school student involved in an extracurricular activity (or several) you probably already know why those activities are important. Whether it’s a sports team or cheerleading, drama club or chess club, these extra activities are teaching your child about time management and commitment, improving her social skills, raising […]

Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom
You know how difficult it can be to work efficiently in a messy, unkempt area. As your child heads back to school this fall, having a disorganized bedroom can keep her from being able to focus on her other tasks, such as getting ready in the morning or doing her homework in the evening. I […]

Helping Your High School Freshman Adjust
If your son or daughter graduated from 8th grade a couple of months ago, you’re ready to jump into being the parent of a high schooler! This transition can be just as hard on you as it is for your child, or even more so; it can be hard to realize that your baby is […]

School Choice: Know Your Options
When it comes time to choose a school for your children, you may have a lot of choices: In my community alone, there are a handful of public elementary schools, three charter schools, a few private schools and a large network of homeschoolers. With so many choices, how do you make the right one for […]