RSSCategory: Family Life

Halloween Party Fun

Halloween Party Fun

| October 1, 2013 | 8 Comments

Have you made plans for Halloween yet? If trick or treating is not your favorite thing, or if you don’t live in a good area for it, you might want to consider hosting a Halloween party instead. This can be a great way for your kids to get together with their friends, admire each other’s […]

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Head Lice: What to Do If Your Child Comes Home With Them

Head Lice: What to Do If Your Child Comes Home With Them

| September 27, 2013 | 10 Comments

There are many wonderful things about the fall season and for children, the return to school. But there is at least one thing about the back to school season that is not so wonderful… with the return of fall comes the return of head lice. If you’ve never been through a lice infestation, the first […]

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Fall Fun With Teens

Fall Fun With Teens

| September 21, 2013 | 5 Comments

You know that your teen needs your time and attention at least as much as he did when he was younger, if not more.  While it’s relatively easy to come up with fun parent and child activities for small children, it can be much more challenging to keep a teenager engaged and entertained. Sometimes, it […]

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Remembering and Explaining 9/11

Remembering and Explaining 9/11

| September 11, 2013 | 17 Comments

As today is the anniversary of September 11, 2001, it’s a good day to sit and reflect with our children about what this day means to us and to our history as Americans. If your children are middle school aged or younger, they have no recollection of that day, though they’ve probably heard about it […]

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Leaf-Peeping With the Kids

Leaf-Peeping With the Kids

| September 7, 2013 | 19 Comments

When I used to live in the North, fall was my favorite time of year. Apple-picking, pumpkin-carving, starting to wear long sleeves again… and my favorite activity, leaf-peeping! I remember going for long drives through various New England towns, taking in the scenery of quaint churches, town greens and red, orange and yellow autumn leaves. […]

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Tailgating the Family-Friendly Way

Tailgating the Family-Friendly Way

| September 5, 2013 | 18 Comments

Football season is coming up! A football game can be a great family activity if your kids are interested in the sport. Kids tend to have great team spirit and are excited to root for their team or favorite players. With football games come tailgating parties. If you enjoy tailgating parties and want to be […]

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Tips on Making Moving Easier on Your Family

Tips on Making Moving Easier on Your Family

| August 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

Spring and summer are the seasons when people tend to move. The real estate market often picks up during the warmer weather, and it’s often easier for families to move during the summer, when the kids are done with school. My family is currently moving, and I’m seeing that it can be stressful on the […]

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August is National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

| August 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

With the kids headed back to school soon, August is a popular month for parents to make appointments for back-to-school doctors’ visits. August is also National Immunization Awareness Month, so it’s a great time to talk to your child’s doctor about any vaccines that he may need this year. The recommendations change fairly frequently as […]

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Choosing Your Child’s Teacher: Pros and Cons

Choosing Your Child’s Teacher: Pros and Cons

| July 31, 2013 | 2 Comments

I received an email from my children’s school recently, asking if I’d like to choose their teachers before they all got together and made classroom assignments. Granted, my kids go to a small charter school, so there are only two classrooms per grade, but from what I hear from friends, many schools offer the option […]

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Old Wives’ Tales: Fact or Fiction?

Old Wives’ Tales: Fact or Fiction?

| July 30, 2013 | 1 Comment

You already know that going out with wet hair won’t cause pneumonia, despite hearing your grandmother say just the contrary. And although it’s fun to guess the sex of an unborn child before the ultrasound, we now know that dangling a ring over a mama-to-be’s belly isn’t an accurate way of guessing whether to buy […]

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