Category: Family Life

Merry Christmas From ShopaholicMommy
Merry Christmas! Today many of us gather with family and friends to celebrate Christmas. Your children may have woken you up very early, or maybe everyone slept in and you had a leisurely morning. You might be enjoying a white Christmas, or the temperature where you live might be balmy enough that you can wear […]

Entertaining the Kids’ Friends in the Cooler Months
During the summer, our yard and those of our neighbors were filled to the brim with kids on a regular basis. If my children wanted to invite a friend or a group of friends over, I was perfectly fine with that. They could run around to their hearts’ content outside, and I could supply them […]

Thanksgiving Supplies Stock Up Now
Stocking Up for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a mere two weeks away. Although this seems like plenty of time to shop for essentials, the busy lives we lead mean the tendency to procrastinate is strong. Stocking up early will prevent last-minute grocery store runs and allow you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are […]

Halloween Safety Tips
The night when little ghouls and goblins will be out trick-or-treating is coming up, and if your kids are anything like mine, they’ve been planning their costumes for some time. Halloween should be about fun and a bit of spookiness, but most of all, it should be a safe evening for all. Before you head […]

How to Carve a Jack o’Lantern
Having carved jack o’lanterns every fall from the time I was tiny, I was surprised several years ago to find out that some of my friends had never done it at all! Now, every year we host a pumpkin carving party for our friends! Since we host foreign exchange students, and since pumpkin-carving is largely […]

Cool Weather Recipes
Now that we are firmly in fall and the temperature outside has started to noticeably cool, it’s time to start thinking about the changing the dinners we make to fit the changing season. Sure, there’s never a bad time for some dishes (pizza comes to mind) but other dishes are just so much better when […]

Pumpkin Carving Tips
One of my favorite family traditions is our annual “Hallo-weenie” Roast on Halloween night. My brother and sister-in-law are huge Halloween fanatics. The house is decorated inside and out. They set up the grill, tables, chairs, lights, and cook hotdogs, chips, drinks and play “spooky” Halloween music for all the neighborhood Halloween parents and kids […]

Passing on Family Heritage and Culture
Passing on Your Family Heritage to your children
Each family usually has specific customs and most certainly food that they remember eating as a child. The other day a musical artist that my parents use-to play often in our home released a new cd. As I listened to the music it reminded me of my childhood […]

Breast Cancer Awareness, Prevention, Support
The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everywhere we look we see pink. To support and honor the fight turn on your television and you’ll see pink on the NFL player’s cleats, NASCAR paint schemes, cereal boxes, food carton and banners on the streets.
Unfortunately, each of us knows of someone currently with Breast […]

Tips for Keeping your Family on time
Do you have a problem arriving on time? Keeping your family on schedule can most certainly be a challenge; however, with a few helpful tips and suggestions, you will find that facilitating a good morning schedule can be very beneficial to your family.
The first key to keeping your family on schedule is embracing a good […]