Category: Family Life

When to Leave Kids Home Alone?
It’s a rite of passage: finally being deemed old enough to stay home alone. It’s also a rite of passage of sorts for parents, who need to swallow their anxiety the first time they drive away from the house with their child inside, without an adult to care for him. At 11 and 9, my […]

Kids and Cellphones When do you want them to have one?
My son is about to start middle school in the fall. Instead of taking the bus as he did in elementary school, he’ll be riding his bike about a mile each way. Although we haven’t had a need for it yet, my husband and I are considering getting him a cellphone.
When is the right time […]

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies
My son loves vegetables. I don’t know how we did it or why we were lucky in this respect, but people always express awe when they see him willingly scarf down Brussels sprouts (yuck!), asparagus, artichokes, green beans, radishes, spinach and other foods that other children usually deem unfriendly. I was actually a little bit […]

Avoiding Supermom Syndrome, or How Not to Be a Master Juggler
Every once in a while, some study comes out which says that moms should make X number of dollars (with X standing for some obscenely large number), with all of the jobs that we do. This is, of course, on top of whatever salary we make at our in- or out-of-the-house jobs. While no one […]

Our Journey with SCFE
I useto think that playing a team sport was an important part of them growing up but after three injuries I have to admit that I feel quite the opposite now. Last Thursday we had an appointment to see a pediatric orthopedist because my daughter had been having some hip pain and limping a bit. […]

National Dr. Seuss Day Kicks Off Read Across America
On March 2 America celebrates National Dr. Seuss Day. Theodor Seuss Geisel became known as Dr. Seuss for his many children’s books he wrote throughout his lifetime. It’s not uncommon for adults to remember hearing his stories as kids about a mischievous cat wearing a hat or a character named Sam not liking green eggs […]

Best Ways to Celebrate Mardi Gras
When you think of Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday,” you may picture wild revelry in New Orleans, complete with beads, costumes and masks. If you leave out the wild revelry part, you can enjoy some festivities with your family. Observed the day before Ash Wednesday, Mardi Gras is considered a time to let your hair […]

Fun Ways to Watch and Enjoy the Olympics with your Kids
The 2014 Winter Olympics can be fun for the whole family. Getting the kids involved in the excitement of the Olympics can bring everyone together and can be a learning experience as well. There are some things that you can do at home to encourage your kids to want to learn more about the Winter […]

Passing on the love of Reading
Ready for Reading
One of the most important parts of your baby’s development is their interest in Reading. It’s a skill that connects us with the world on so many levels. Think about….if you didn’t know how to read, you couldn’t write thank you notes, text message or send emails. Ah, now I got your attention.
Incorporate […]

Allowances for Children Family Money Matters
As kids get bigger, so do their desires, and it gets harder and harder to distract them from what they want. When my daughter was three, for example, she might have pointed at a Barbie doll in the store, but I could easily divert her attention to the colorful construction paper we had gone out […]