Category: Family Life

Entertaining Your Kids So You Can Watch The Super Bowl
The Super Bowl is just around the corner. If you have kids you know that it can be impossible to watch the game with little ones underfoot. Instead of just hoping that your kids will let you watch at least a little bit of the game, plan ahead so that you can easily be able […]

Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas
By now, most of us have our shopping and wrapping done (unless you’re finishing up your wrapping after the kids go to bed!). You may be getting together with friends and family tonight, or you may be going to church for a lovely candle-lit service. Or, you might stay home and do your own thing […]

How To Keep Your Kids Safe On Halloween
Halloween is fast approaching. As fun as it is for kids, it can be just as stressful for parents trying to keep their kids safe. Trick or treating usually occurs between 5:30 pm. and 9:30 p.m. This means that by the time most families head out the door, it’s pretty dark out which poses many […]

Halloween Candy: Making Healthier Choices
Have you already purchased candy for Halloween? We all have our favorites: My kids love anything chewy and sticky, whereas I usually raid their stash for anything chocolate! You might be concerned about the sugar, fat and calories (not to mention additives like food coloring) are going to affect your kids over the next week […]

Labor Day Family Fun
Do you have plans for Labor Day yet? This is the holiday that marks the official end of summer for many people, so it’s important to make it a special day for you and your family to have fun and relax before everybody returns to the daily grind. Labor Day is a day set aside […]

Katy Perry Prism Tour Review
On July 2 we got the opportunity to see the Katy Perry Prism Tour at the BB&T Center in Sunrise. The kids and I had been keeping an eye out for the tour ever since the Prism cd was released. This was the first major concert that my kids have ever seen and it did […]

Non-Boring Brown Bag Lunches
Back to school is rapidly approaching! With the return to classrooms and school buses and school supplies comes a return to packing school lunches. Now that your little scholar has had all summer off, he might be a bit more inclined to be picky about his packed lunches than he was by the end of […]

Asking for forgiveness for their puppy brother
This is how the kids think they can get their puppy brother out of trouble!
I like the bow, it was a nice touch but its not going to work.
Jake is a bit of a nervous dog and he gets especially scared when we vacuum. He is a rescue dog and its only been a little […]

Sibling Rivalry: Coping Strategies
Now that school is out for the summer, your kids are spending a lot of time together. In my house, the first week or so of summer vacation is a time when the kids generally get along. After that, though, sibling rivalry, bickering, arguing and boredom set in. If left unchecked, the quarreling could make […]

Moms’ Night Out
Moms are always busy doing something for someone else. Whether it’s cleaning the house for your family, cooking meals, shuttling kids to various practices and playdates, running errands while they’re in school, or putting in extra time at work to finish a project for your boss, if you’re like most moms, you don’t take enough […]