Category: Back to School

Choosing Your Child’s Teacher: Pros and Cons
I received an email from my children’s school recently, asking if I’d like to choose their teachers before they all got together and made classroom assignments. Granted, my kids go to a small charter school, so there are only two classrooms per grade, but from what I hear from friends, many schools offer the option […]

Recess: Is It Really Necessary?
When I was a kid, we had recess before school, at some point in the mid-morning, and again after lunch. Do you remember those days of playing four-square and kickball on the blacktop? I sure do! Many elementary schools across the nation are cutting out recess, however. In my town, the goal is to let […]

Ways to Celebrate the 100th Day of School
Depending on when school started in your state, it may soon be time to celebrate the 100th day of school. As the name would imply, this is the day that the kids have been in school for exactly 100 days. Your child’s teacher likely has some fun activities planned already, but she might be looking […]

School Bus Safety Tips
When my son was about to start kindergarten, I remember being very worried about the school bus. Although 23 million kids take a big yellow bus to school every year, I was concerned that my little five-year-old would get lost in the shuffle, might get bullied, or might fall out of his seat! After all, […]

Options for After School Care
The air is starting to get just a bit crisper, and soon the kids will be returning to school. If both parents work out of the home, you may be concerned about who will be caring for your children after school. In the summer, you may have staggered vacation weeks, gotten relatives to help, or […]

The Scoop on School Uniforms
Last year, my family and I switched our kids to a new K-8 charter school. The benefits were great, but the school requires all students to wear school uniforms, which was something that we’d never dealt with before. My husband and I were apprehensive. My elementary-schooler was upset at the idea of not being able […]

Preparing for Kindergarten
Now that preschool is out for the summer, you might be wondering how you can best prepare your soon-to-be kindergartener for the challenges that await her once she starts “big kid school.” Today’s kindergarteners are expected to know so much more than they were when we were children; I’ve heard it said that kindergarten is […]

Show and Tell Ideas and Organization
A is for… Needing a Show and Share that starts with….
A is for “OMG how am I back in show and tell age again?” Well, ok, it doesn’t stand for that but it might as well have this morning. Sheer panic overcame me as the other preschoolers are walking in with stuffed alligators and toy […]

Mimicking the School Reward System
Part two of Rewarding good behavior… a series on Mimicking the school reward system for good behavior…..
I informed my children on the way to school that the tickets earned at home would work a little differently than the tickets earned at school. The first thing they wanted to go over in great detail was the […]

Rewarding good Behavior
This is a two part series on Mimicking the school reward system for good behavior….
First week of school and I can already tell that we are going to have an “adjustment” year for my middle child. I knew it was coming but I didn’t think I would feel the effects of it quite this soon. […]