Category: Back to School

College Care Package Ideas
If you have a college student in your family, you may have enjoyed having her around for the past several weeks. Chances are that she either went back to school within the past few days, or else she’s going back this or next week, and while she might be excited, she’s also likely to feel […]

Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom
You know how difficult it can be to work efficiently in a messy, unkempt area. As your child heads back to school this fall, having a disorganized bedroom can keep her from being able to focus on her other tasks, such as getting ready in the morning or doing her homework in the evening. I […]

Helping Your High School Freshman Adjust
If your son or daughter graduated from 8th grade a couple of months ago, you’re ready to jump into being the parent of a high schooler! This transition can be just as hard on you as it is for your child, or even more so; it can be hard to realize that your baby is […]

School Choice: Know Your Options
When it comes time to choose a school for your children, you may have a lot of choices: In my community alone, there are a handful of public elementary schools, three charter schools, a few private schools and a large network of homeschoolers. With so many choices, how do you make the right one for […]

How to Choose a Backpack
We seem to have an abundance of backpacks at our house. We’ve got character backpacks from Dora to Spongebob to Power Rangers, plus several solid-color or print backpacks. With that said, every year, my kids want a new backpack to go along with all of their spiffy new back-to-school clothes. I don’t mind, as after […]

Back to School Shopping: Notebooks and Crayons and Folders, Oh My
It’s almost one of my favorite times of the year: back to school supply sales! I’ve always had a thing for pristine notebooks, brand new crayons, and my personal favorite, pens. I’m not talking about regular Bic or Papermate pens; I fully admit that I’m a bit of a pen snob, and rely on Uniball […]

Back to School Clothes Shopping: Strategies for Success
It’s that time of the year again! The leaves on the trees are starting to change over to their fall splendor, a hint of crispness is in the air, it’s almost apple-picking season… and oh yes, the kids are going back to school! It’s a time that we moms look toward with mixed feelings; perhaps […]

Off to College: Transitioning to Your New Role
All over the country, young high school graduates are embarking on the next step in their lifelong journey through the educational system: college. Whether your child will be living in a dormitory across the country or attending a community college in your town, your role as the parent of an adult child will be changing […]

Non-Boring Brown Bag Lunches
Back to school is rapidly approaching! With the return to classrooms and school buses and school supplies comes a return to packing school lunches. Now that your little scholar has had all summer off, he might be a bit more inclined to be picky about his packed lunches than he was by the end of […]

Head Lice: What to Do If Your Child Comes Home With Them
There are many wonderful things about the fall season and for children, the return to school. But there is at least one thing about the back to school season that is not so wonderful… with the return of fall comes the return of head lice. If you’ve never been through a lice infestation, the first […]