Category: Fall

Kid Friendly Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Food is the best part of Thanksgiving for many people. However, it can be hard to get your kids to eat items that they aren’t used too. Luckily there are quite a few side dishes that use some of your favorite Thanksgiving foods in a way that will have your kids coming back for seconds. […]

Fun Fall Family Activities
With chilly temperatures starting to settle over much of the United States, you may find yourself looking for ways to spend the cozy weekends in the months ahead. Here are some fun things to do on your kids’ days off during the months of October and November:
Go apple-picking. You can spend a cool morning in […]

Fall Foods To Make With Your Kids
Now that some cooler weather is here, it is a great time to have some fun in the kitchen with your kids. There are a lot of healthy, yet fun dishes to try while incorporating some fresh produce. Even if you have picky eaters, you can usually get your kids to at least try something […]

Fall Foliage Photography
This time of year, I love looking at photos of fall foliage. It brings me back to when I was a child and young adult, enjoying football games, hot apple cider, raking the leaves into a pile to jump in, pumpkin carving, apple picking, and all of the other delights of fall. Since moving to […]

Halloween Candy: Making Healthier Choices
Have you already purchased candy for Halloween? We all have our favorites: My kids love anything chewy and sticky, whereas I usually raid their stash for anything chocolate! You might be concerned about the sugar, fat and calories (not to mention additives like food coloring) are going to affect your kids over the next week […]

Halloween Safety Tips
The night when little ghouls and goblins will be out trick-or-treating is coming up, and if your kids are anything like mine, they’ve been planning their costumes for some time. Halloween should be about fun and a bit of spookiness, but most of all, it should be a safe evening for all. Before you head […]

How to Carve a Jack o’Lantern
Having carved jack o’lanterns every fall from the time I was tiny, I was surprised several years ago to find out that some of my friends had never done it at all! Now, every year we host a pumpkin carving party for our friends! Since we host foreign exchange students, and since pumpkin-carving is largely […]

Cool Weather Recipes
Now that we are firmly in fall and the temperature outside has started to noticeably cool, it’s time to start thinking about the changing the dinners we make to fit the changing season. Sure, there’s never a bad time for some dishes (pizza comes to mind) but other dishes are just so much better when […]

Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes
On Thanksgiving morning, it’s traditional in my home for the kids to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television while my husband and I scramble around getting everything ready. This year, though, I think I might involve my pre-teens and teenager in the preparations. Even little kids like to help out in the kitchen, […]

Fall Cleaning Projects
Most of us kick our cleaning routine into high gear after the winter is over in the tradition of spring cleaning set by those who came before our grandmothers’ grandmothers. As the temperature dips and the leaves blow, fall is another great time to go through the house and get some extra deep-down cleaning done. […]