Category: Baby Gear Reviews

Best Baby Items for Small Spaces
While babies are born all year long, of course, in my group of friends, there tend to be “baby booms.” Right now is one of those times; I have two friends due to give birth next month! For one of them, it’s her first baby, and she and her husband live in a very small […]

Knockoff Strollers What to Watch out For
Double Take: Copies and Knockoff Strollers 2012
Many stroller brands have exciting new models for 2012. Take for example the new Quinny Moodd – the design is unlike any other stroller on the market. Baby Jogger is a standout, introducing the new City Mini GT and Versa. And all the new colors! Peg Perego strollers are […]

Stroller Corner Review Maxi Cosi Strollers for 2012
To help with the higher-end American stroller market, Dorel purchased both European brands, Maxi Cosi and Quinny a few years ago. In addition to a couple of stroller models, Maxi Cosi also sells the Mico infant car seat that can attach to their strollers to form a modern-looking travel system.
Maxi Cosi Foray LX
Maxi Cosi’s first […]

Do you buy Baby Trend Strollers?
What Lies Ahead for Baby Trend?
The Baby Trend company doesn’t exactly live up to the “Trend” part of its name; while their strollers are on the lower end of the price spectrum, their models have remained essentially the same for years. Nothing trendy going on at all!
But they do have some classic designs that sell […]

Winter Stroller Accessories for Baby
Winterize Your Stroller
As we usher in November and say goodbye to Halloween, winter is fast upon us. Unexpectedly so for our friends in the North East US with those recent snow storms! Despite the cold, many moms and dads like to get out and enjoy a family walk or do some jogging on those days […]

Chicco Stroller Reviews and News
Chicco Expands & Improves Stroller Selection
Mid-range stroller brand Chicco has enhanced the Cortina with the Magic line and has added a new stroller frame.
It’s that time of year again folks, where stroller manufacturers are vying for your attention in the coming year by adding new products and improving features on existing ones.
Chicco is no exception. […]

New Warning Crib Bumpers are Dangerous
Pediatricians Warn Crib Bumpers are Dangerous
Safe baby bedding recommendations have been changed once again according to the American Academy of Pediatrics on October 18, 2011. These recommendations are to help in the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The most recent addition to those recommendations is that for children under the age of one […]

Bumbo Baby Seat Love Ah….Not So Much!
The time has come you just found out you’re pregnant and its time go to your local baby superstore and register. As part of my baby registry I decided to register for the Bumbo Baby Seat along with all the other hundreds of items.
The Bumbo Baby Seat was created in 1996 by a grandfather named […]

Peg Perego Stroller Updates for 2011 and 2012
I always went out of my way to save up a little extra money and buy a stroller from a company with a good reputation. Peg Perego was the stroller company I choose for both my girls and I was very happy with them. Here is an in depth look at Peg Perego changes for […]

What’s in your Diaper Bag?
Bye, bye purse….hello diaper bag! Diaper bags are an important part of being a parent.
Ok, so one year ago I was hitting Coach Outlet for the 30% off beginning of fall sales event. Now, like many of you my life revolves around the diaper bag.
As females, we get to experience firsthand the progression of life. As little girls […]