Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

SmartySaver Facebook Fan Celebration
Welcome to the Celebration and your chance to Win some wonderful Prizes! We have joined in the wonderful giveaway with lots of fantastic prizes hosted by our friends at SmartySaver who have hit 10,000 Facebook Fans and an awesome team of bloggers. So many great prizes and lucky for you there will be multiple lucky […]

End of the Year Teacher Gift Ideas
With the school year winding down, you might be thinking about ways to show your child’s teacher your appreciation for a year well-taught. Potential gifts for a teacher can be something just-for-her (or him!) or something for the classroom. Here are some ideas for useful gifts that any teacher would love:
Gift Certificates
With the long, hot […]

Helping Kids Manage their Stress
Between homework, high-stakes testing, extracurricular activities, peer pressure and all of the other things that kids have to deal with, it’s little wonder that some kids are stressed out! Some stress is good, of course, as it teaches kids how to deal with responsibility, commitment, hard work and the other rigors of life. Sometimes, though, […]

Enter for a Kindle Fire
Kindle Fire Giveaway. With movies, apps, games, music, reading and more, the Kindle Fire is the hottest e-reader available and you could win it here! BSMB is joining together every month to bring you a Kindle giveaway
Dates for this Giveaway: 12:01am EST May 14 to June 2
How To Enter: Note, All entries will be verified. […]

Apple Ipod Shuffle for one lucky winner
We are already in the middle of May and we are trying to make this the best Giveaway Prize month yet! Today you have the change to enter to win an Apple Ipod Shuffle! We have joined with a team of other sites to bring you this giveaway that will last for the next month.
Cool […]

Duck Duck Goose
Two ways to win in the Duck Duck Goose Giveaway! We all remember playing this game as children but we are playing in a new online way! Participating sites have hidden a duck or goose picture somewhere within their pages. When you find the graphic, enter the url where it was found in the Rafflecopter […]

Enter for a New iPad in May
As a big thanks to all our wonderful fans we are part of another iPad Giveaway! We have to thank our hosts, Case-mate and EyeBuyDirect for offering this giveaway! By far, iPads are one of the most popular giveaways we do here at ShopaholicMommy. All you need to do to enter is follow the […]

TOMS for Moms now available!
Your mom loves helping others; it’s probably one of the things you love best about her! When you become a mom, you suddenly want to make the world a better place for everyone. What better way to celebrate Mothers’ Day than to not only give your mom a great gift, but to gift someone else […]

Mother’s Day Gift Idea TOMS For Moms
Mother’s Day is one of the most beautiful ways to show your Mother how much you love her, and rewarding your beautiful mother the TOMS way is the best way to do that. Mother’s Day only happens once a year, and the TOMS company has made sure that they are capable of creating a new […]

Extreme Mother’s Day Kitchen Gadget Giveaway!
Can you believe it is May! We are just about the halfway point of 2012 and Mother’s Day is the next big holiday. So, we thought that a new month is the perfect opportunity to bring you new Giveaway opportunities! Welcome to the Huge Mother’s Day Giveaway!
ShopaholicMommy has joined with three amazing hosts, Couponing 4 […]