Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

Ipad vs Kindle for reading ebooks – what’s your favorite gadget ?
What gadget do you read your ebooks on?
It has come down to the battle of the gadgets (and boy do we have a house full of them). Anyone who knows my husband knows that he has an addiction of sorts to Gadgets. That being said of course he has an Ipad and a Kindle only […]

No more SUSHI ? Say it isn’t so. Radiation Concerns and Sushi
We have all seen the news and Japan is struggling to contain radiation leaking from one of its nuclear reactors. What impact will this radiation have on us here in the States? That is the million dollar question. Recent radio and television reports say that handheld Geiger counters which measure radiation are sold out everywhere. […]

Give TOMS Shoes for Mother’s Day
Can you believe Mother’s Day is just about here ! Once you become a mother you truly come to appreciate what Mom actually does! Let’s get mom something that every woman loves SHOES !
I remember the first time I explained to my mom about TOMS Shoes. TOMS has such a unique way of doing business […]

Enter To WIN a pair of TOMS Shoes Classics … One Day Without Shoes TOMS Sweepstakes
One Day Without Shoes offered a giveaway back in 2011 and we are waiting to see if they will offer one again.!! What was given away! A pair of TOMS Classics… The TOMS Shoes Sweepstakes ended on April 5, 2011. To enter, visit this page and look for the links to the Sweepstakes related page […]

TOMS Shoes : Simple Shoes. Amazing Cause. Join the Movement.
We all have shoes and we all take that for granted. The truth is that if we can afford to be on the internet right now we probably have lots of shoes in our closet that we don’t even wear. It is said but the statistics for the millions upon millions of men,women and children […]