Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

Kid Friendly recipes from the Today Show
TODAY nutritionist Joy Bauer shows Ann Curry dishes your kids will devour — meatloaf cupcakes, peanut butter strawberry sushi and banana ice cream. I love the and have found many great recipes from the show. Joy Bauer takes some of her favorite good-for-you foods and turned them into meals and snacks that are […]
Robyn O’Brien tells the Unhealthy Truth about food
Do yourself a favor and watch this 18 minute talk by Robyn O’Brien at a recent TED conference. A little about this video. “Robyn shares her personal story and how it inspired her current path as a “Real Food” evangelist. Grounded in a successful Wall Street career that was more interested in food as good […]

TOMS for Proms
Ah it’s that time of year again PROM! Besides having the daunting task of finding the perfect dress, choosing your hairstyle and of course finding the perfect shoes to match the dress. Well have have a solution for shoes teens, TOMS for Prom ! Not only are TOMS for Prom stylish but you will be […]

Traveling with a Car seat? Would you try an Inflatable Easy Car Seat?
We all are aware of the new car seat recommendations made by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The big question is what will you do the next time you have to travel by air or to another country? For most people who have kids under 30lbs you are stuck lugging your carseat with you where […]
Jack’s Harvest Organic Baby Food and Peapod Coupons
Last year in celebration of Earth Day, April 22, Jack’s Harvest award-winning baby food had a giveaway! Stay tuned for this years EarthDay because you may have the same opportunity. It is so hard to find baby food that has not been recalled. We are parents want to know that we are feed our baby […]

This is a Blog Hop!
Like US on facebook – and – also like all these other blogs too!
This is a Blog Hop! A blog hop is a linky list that is SHARED ON MULTIPLE BLOGS.
When several blogs put the same linky list code on their blog, the
exact same list appears on each blog.
Blog visitors can submit […]

One Day Without Shoes Countdown
TOMS One Day Without Shoes 2011 is almost here. Tuesday April 5, 2011 will you join us for One Day Without Shoes? Join the One Day Without Shoes Movement and be a part of? something that is trying to make this world a better place for people who don’t have shoes – no matter where […]