Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

Growing Easter Basket Grass
We are getting ready to put out Easter baskets together – how about you? Do you make your own Easter grass or do you buy the cheap fake grass? Our cat decided to eat a bunch of the Easter grass last year so we have since banned it from the house. In search of an […]

The History of Easter & Chocolate Bunnies
Do you really know the history of Easter and Chocolate Bunnie? Gourmet live wrote a great article that gives you an overview of both! Recently while I was write a post on Passover Seder I started looking into Easter also. Easter is the greatest feast day in the Christian calendar because it celebrates the Resurrection […]

Do you say Ummm and Uh ?
Do you say um and uh what you are stuck in a sentence? I’ll admit it – it makes me crazy when some people (including my husband) use filler words when they are actively thinking and speaking at the same time. He sometimes can’t go one whole sentence without an um or a uh? And […]

Passover Seder 2011 menu and recipes ideas
Passover Seder 2011 will start on Tuesday the 19th of April and will continue for 7 days until Monday, the 25th of April. The Passover Seder is by definition the Jewish ritual feast that marks the exact beginning of the Jewish Holiday of Passover. The Seder ritual usually preformed in someones home and you read in […]

Womens Health: An Apple a Day
We all know the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” but did you know that new research shows that an apple a day can help lower your bad cholesterol levels and help keep unwanted wight off for women? They recently did some research at the department of nutrition at the Florida […]

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution
If you have ever watched a cooking channel then you have seen Jamie Oliver. Recently, the British chef has gone far beyond food tv and on to the big networks but he has also become an author and food champion for school lunches. Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution is a series on ABC where he attempts […]