Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

Royal Wedding Unhappy Flower Girl
One of the biggest headlines this morning following the Royal Wedding is “The Unhappiest person at the Royal Wedding” and it shows a picture of the flower girl on the balcony while William and Catherine kiss. The flower girl has a very grumpy look on her face probably from how loud the cheering was. My […]

TOMS Artist Collection of Shoes
New to TOMS Shoes is their special Artists category. Now this should come at no surprise to you but TOMS Shoes is always on the look out for new artists. As a matter of fact you have probably seen pictures of the many TOMS Style Your Sole parties that they host all over the country. […]

Best Travel Stroller for Disney World
We recently came back from a trip to Disney World and about 45 minutes into the drive I realized that I had left my favorite travel stroller in the garage. By far my trusty and favorite travel stroller is from the brand Maclaren. We purchased the Techno XT for our first daughter eight years ago […]

How to clean off Lovebugs
This past weekend we went for a little road trip in the Southeastern US and suddenly drove into a cloud of lovebugs. I had to find out more about these bugs and I discovered that they are most popular from the late spring and then regroup again in late summer. It is important to note […]

Getting Sick on Vacation
This past weekend my family and I went away on a short weekend vacation. Twenty-four hours into our trip our four year old wakes me up in the middle of the night with a very high fever. What do you do? Here’s my first tip and I was lucky I passed by the medicine cabinet […]

Petition Kraft To Get Rid of Artificial Dyes
I really did not understand what kind of dyes and preservatives I was serving my kids until I read the book the Unhealthy Truth. There is a video at the bottom of that page that I suggest all parents watch – it is really eye opening. Did you know that huge companies like Coca-Cola, Kraft […]

TOMS Shoes One for One Company
New Video out by Blake Mycoskie the founder of TOMS Shoes. In this video he walks around with the same box he showed in the Toms Shoes Next Chapter of One for One Movement. This TOMS mystery box will not be opened in June 7, 2011. What is inside the box represents that from this […]

Soles4Souls | Shoe Charity Recycling Shoes
Have you ever heard of Souls 4 Souls? A member of the school community that my daughter belongs to started a shoe drive in partnership with soles4souls. Soles4Souls® is a shoe charity that collects gently worn shoes and monies to provide shoes to those in need. The donation of shoes gives someone the hope for […]

Premature Babies and ADHD link?
Recently two friends of mine within a couple months of each other went into preterm labor at 31 weeks. While they struggle to find the reasons why each other them went into labor early not they have a long road ahead with their premature babies. I recently read an article about the risk of ADHD […]

New way to find out the sex of your baby
Find Out the Sex of Your Baby… in a Cake. This seems to be a new trend going around – ever heard of it? Here is how it goes – the new expectant couple hands a copy of the ultrasound in a sealed envelope with the sex of the baby marked on it from the […]