Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

Thank You Teachers
Today we went to school to pick up our supplies and get the necessary paperwork that is needed for the first day of school. I find myself not wanting the summer to be over. The kids and I have had so much fun that I am kinda sad to see it come to an end. […]

Amoeba present in rivers
I just read a very sad story of a 16-year old girl that died after being infected by an amoeba in Brevard County, Florida. They believe that the amoeba could have entered the teen’s body as the teen swam in a nearby river. The girl got a very high fever and was vomiting. Once they […]

Happy Meal Make over
CNN reported changes to the McDonalds Happy Meal. Each meal will now include sliced apples, less French fries and a choice of 1 percent milk, fat free chocolate milk, fruit juice or water with the usual choice of a hamburger, cheeseburger or chicken nuggets. The First Lady, Michelle Obama who is heading a campaign to […]
Meatless Monday Cookbook
We are part of the Meatless Monday movement and there is a book we have to suggest. On of our favorite cookbooks is “Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love.” This book offers over 85 Recipes by Sarah Matheny, creator of the popular blog Peas and Thank You. Peas and […]

Prepacked School Lunches are Unsafe
Is your child’s lunch safe to eat? Most of us are in full swing and getting ready for back to school. A report that caught my attention last week was a report on packed school lunches. Many school lunches packed at home reach an unsafe temperature by the time your child eats it. A new […]

Michaels Family Craft Club
Michaels, one of our favorite craft stores has created a new program. The Knack club for kids and parents that promotes creative family fun through in-store events and projects that can be done at Michaels or at home, with the August 13 introduction of Family Craft Night. We are so excited because we are always looking for […]

TOMS Give Event
TOMS the Give Event is a yearly event happening soon. August 13 is the date for the 2011 Give Event. The Give Event is held to raise money and awareness about Toms and Krochet Kids. Be a part of the Give Event and enjoy live music, murals, customized Toms shoes, and beanies from Krochet Kids. Again, this […]

Sex Advice from Dr Oz
We are big fans of Dr. Oz and on a recent episode of extra he gave some tips he suggests on how to improve your sex life. Dr. Oz noted that one of the main reason people are not having sex is because on of the partners snores which keeps the other person awake. I […]

Win A PenelopeG ‘Nicole’ Necklace
Jewelry designer PenelopeG introduced the “Nicole” necklace this May in honor of Skin Cancer Awareness Month. The “Nicole” necklace, which retails for $40, was designed exclusively for The Skin Cancer Foundation. It will be an on-going item available to raise funds, with 50% of the profit going directly to the foundation. The Skin Cancer Foundation […]

Perseid meteor shower of 2011
Perseid meteor shower of 2011 is here! Now, I have to admit I am not the usual start gazer but, we recently took a trip to Yosemite National Park and had an evening under the stars with a Yosemite guide. It was amazing and now, I find myself more interested in the night sky. Every year […]