Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

Tips to Organize your Family, Home and Life
Getting Your Family Organized in 2012
It’s a New Year and a great time to start thinking about getting yourself organized — setting your personal, educational, and work goals. If you have children, then getting organized will present a special challenge. Perhaps this would be a good time to have them organize their rooms. And this […]

Do you Shop Online and Drink ?
Often times, Shopping Online and Drinking when done together can lead to an empty wallet and increased debt. We all do things that we sometimes regret while drinking alcohol, but I never thought shopping and drinking would go together. It is proven that alcohol impairs judgment and decreases inhibitions but do you feel inclined to […]

Fun Things to do With Kids During Winter Break
Winter is a time of excitement, celebration, and wonder, but it can also be a stressful and difficult time. This is particularly true for parents. When kids are home for winter break, it can be hard to keep them occupied without falling back on letting TV babysit. Even though there are new toys from the […]

After Christmas Bargins will you shop
Ah, the Christmas holiday is now done and if you watched TV at all in the last few days you saw that the bargains are available in many stores. Everything from sporting equipment to toys, and especially clothing are available at a big savings. Many stores like Kohls were opening as early as five am. […]

Gift that keeps on Giving #TOMS Giftcards
The holiday season is here and it’s that time of the year where you can bring more joy into people’s lives. If you are still thinking about gift choices then you don’t have to look any further. TOMS is one of the leading shoe companies that knows the true meaning of giving. Founded by Blake […]

Best Holiday Apps for Kids
Ah, Christmas Break is now here and kids everywhere are home for a long break. The words “I am Bored” have already be uttered to me more than I can count and we are only one day into this! Rather than watch TV we decided to try the Ipad to see what new games we […]

Gifts for Teachers and a Holiday Tipping Guide
The day is finally here, winter break is about to start. I remember when I was a kid how excited I was to have weeks off from school. As a parent the feeling is totally different! Before I get into that I want to cover the subject of what to give the teacher as a […]

Holiday Shipping Ends Today! Give Joy #TOMS
The countdown has begun and if you aren’t feeling the pressure yet then you should be because there are only a few hours left to buy and ship your purchases to get them in time for Christmas! TOMS added some last minute gifts to their collection like Hats, Scarves, Hoodies & more. Stay warm & […]

Anonymous donors Helping Shoppers at Christmas
The Christmas season is often filled with the hustle and bustle. People are going to office parties, school recitals, church programs, and family gatherings. Lost in all of this business is the idea that people are still doing wonderful things for other people just because it is the Christmas season. Here are some heart-warming stories […]

Spoiling Kids During the Holidays
A recent report by The Today Show involved interviews with 6000 moms regarding to what extent they spoiled their own children during the holiday gift giving season. The numbers and responses were shocking, as the majority of those interviewed admitting to spending high amounts on children, with $275 per child being the average, with some […]